You've probably noticed that I've not posted much on here lately. There's been a lot going on on my end the past month or so, including having two eye surgeries and starting my own business.
What I have shared in recent months hasn't amounted to much. I've not felt that I've really had too much TO share since my husband's death. The first couple of years found me lost in a blur of long days and dark nights. I was just trying to survive.
When John passed away, in July of 2021, I was at the highest weight I ever remember weighing and, to be honest, I didn't care. Eventually, I did start caring, but it seemed so hopeless. At 62 years of age it felt too late...for everything. I didn't even know where to begin.
Then, I came across a Bible verse that, in the past, had been very familiar to me (I Thessalonians 5:23) but, this time, coupled with the verse that immediately followed it, something transfixed itself deep within my spirit. I knew that God was, not only calling me to do something, but empowering me to do it. I still don't understand it all, but, one small step at a time I AM doing it.
Instead of fighting against everything and making excuses as to why I can't do something, I am trying my best to be obedient in, and faithful to, the little things.
I still have a long way to go, but since June 10, 2024 I have lost 65 pounds and have gone from a tight size 28 to a comfortable size 18.
I've noticed that since losing weight my face and body are getting saggy. I know that a lot of that will straighten out in time, but, that's one of the reasons that I signed up with Mary Kay. It's time to do something with this face! 😧
I haven't worn makeup for decades and, unfortunately, I can't do a lot with my eyes right now (eyeshadow, mascara, etc.), but, as soon as they heal, that will change. In the meantime, I will focus on skincare.
It's also time to be honest with myself and everyone else, too. The bottom line is...I want to be the best 'me' that I can be...a woman that glorifies God in spirit, soul, and body...and a woman that helps other women to be the best that they can be, too...spiritually, mentally, physically, financially.
I've come to the conclusion that it's not too late. My days are in the Lord's hands and, as long as I'm here, I want to serve Him in whatever way He allows me to do so. I've decided that I want to embrace the journey that I'm on and I look forward to whatever is next.
In the days ahead I hope to be much more transparent with my journey. If I can be of service to you somewhere along the way, please, don't hesitate to reach out.
In the meantime, know that my thoughts and prayers are with each and every person that has found their way into this site tonight. I praise the Lord for bringing me through one of the darkest times (if not THE darkest time) of my life and I look forward to the next chapter with absolute delight!
"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (I Thessalonians 5:23-24)
Until next time...
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