
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Morning Catch Up, Master To Do List, and Menu Plan - Wednesday, October 2, 2024

It's Wednesday morning and, here we are, the 2nd of October already! The windows are open and it was deliciously chilly when I woke up...41 degrees!

I have no idea where September disappeared mostly, I suppose...but time is flying and it's flying way too fast for my liking! 

Since October is my favorite month/season/color (and it has nothing to do with Halloween, because I no longer partake of Halloween), I am hoping that I can slow down mentally and purposefully relish it much more than I was able to the month of September. 

Last week's focus on the homefront centered around updates concerning the newest great-granbaby. 

Laykyn Mae wasn't due to arrive until early November, but she decided to make her appearance a few weeks early. She had a bit of a rough start, but, praise God, she is doing well and is already home with her family! 

Most of the work week's focus was on preparing for and hosting Prairie Jubilee on Saturday at Prairie State Park. I was presenting prairie tours most of the day so, unfortunately, didn't get many photos.

I'm still recovering from the weekend. Did my grocery shopping and bill paying yesterday. Today my focus is on, laundry, finding supplies for upcoming programs at work, and delivering an order of cards

I'm really pleased with the quality of the products coming out of my Zazzle store! This bison mug was purchased and given as the grand prize for Saturday's bison chip-throwing contest and the winner was delighted! (So was I!) 😄

Well, I should be going. I have much to do today, but, since I missed Monday's post completely, I thought I'd drop in and catch up with you a bit. 

I hope your week is going well and that you have a wonderful day!

Until next time...

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