Monday, September 16, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - September 16, 2024

It's Monday morning and I'm chomping at the bit to get started on a very long list of projects that, due to too much recent activity, have been put on hold for far too long. The week and weekend were great and the late-summer prairie absolutely gorgeous!

Last Monday evening I was invited to guest-speak and present a program on Missouri's 'wild dogs' for the local 4-H group. I had a great group of children and they enjoyed the touch table and, especially liked, getting to touch the animal pelts (fox, coyote, and wolf). 

This coyote picture was sent to me by the mom of one little girl that, when she got home from the program, watercolored. I love the contrast in fur color that she exhibited!

I had a great group of folks turn out for Friday night's 'spider sniff.' 

We learned a lot of really cool stuff about spiders before going out on the prairie to see if we could find some in their natural habitat.

We walked the prairie at just the right time of evening. All along the trail tiny spiders were busy spinning their webs in hopes of catching another meal before the night was through. 

As darkness fell (holding our flashlights close to our foreheads) we shined our lights into the edges of the grasses to discover tiny, glittering, blue and green eyes peering back at us...each set belonging to a spider. It was amazing!

We saw several female wolf spiders carrying egg cases on their backs. 

After our explorations were over, I read the 'by-laws', administered the 'oath', and issued 'certification' to all in attendence as they became members of the 'secret society' of 'Missouri Spider Sniffers'...all in silliness and fun, of course! 

It was an awesome experience and I'm pretty sure that everyone in attendance had a great time! (I hope so anyway!)

Saturday granddaughter, Audrey, and I worked 'Prairie Day' at George Washington Carver National Monument in Diamond, Missouri. 

It is such a beautiful place and the atmosphere there is so peaceful!

Fall was in the air and we met, and made connections with, some really amazing people. It was quite a blessing to a part of!

After church yesterday, I met Amanda, Aaron, Lisa (Aaron's mom), and the girls at Butler for a very late lunch. They had pototoes on sale up home for an incredible price, so they picked up, and delivered, several bags of them for me on their way down. It was great getting to spend some unexpected time with them and it's always nice having extra potatoes on hand!

Well, here I am, rambling away while the day goes speeding past. Let's get on with this week's post, shall we?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house (with focus on the Van Gogh room/office/spare bedroom/catch-all's a mess!)
- Do laundry
- Clean the microwave
- Clean the fridge
- Repair toilet (new flap and handle)
- Repair ceiling fan (replace blades)
- Go over finances and figure mid-month budget (it's time to put the brakes on!)
- Pay mid-month bills
- Purchase stamps
- Divide and pot baby airplane plants
- Work/present library program on raccoons
- Get projects ready to enter in upcoming fair (photos and crafts)
- Attend and enjoy fair (Liberal, Missouri 'Prairie Days')
- Celebrate the first day of autumn

This week's menu plan...

I've made too many new recipes lately and, although they've all been quite delicious, I'm finding that they're way out of my league. Some of them I will make again, but most I will not. There are elements from some of them though that I do appreciate and will incorporate as much as possible into my regular using riced cauliflower as a substitute for brown rice. I really like that! I'm finding that, for me, it's best to stick with simple foods that I truly enjoy and try not to mix stuff up too much too often.

Monday - Turkey Italian sausage with baked potato and cabbage
Tuesday - To be decided and filled in later
Wednesday - To be decided and filled in later
Thursday - To be decided and filled in later
Friday - To be decided and filled in later
Saturday - To be decided and filled in later
Sunday - Leftovers

That's it for today, Ladies! I hope your Monday is off to a great start and that you have a wonderful week ahead!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Afternoon - Trip Photos (Our First Night In Cape, Life on the Mississippi, Eyes in the Water) and More

I'm working a split-shift at work today...had a group in this morning and have a special program tonight. I thought I'd use this time in between to post some more trip photos...this time of our first night in Cape Girardeau. 

After a full day of travel and sightseeing, we arrived in Cape Girardeau in the late evening. On our way in we passed this building...the Red House Interpretive Center on the Lewis & Clark National Historic downtown Cape Girardeau. 

The original building (the best known trading post on the Mississippi between St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee during the early 19th Century and visited by Lewis and Clark to purchase supplies for their upcoming expedition in November of 1803), was built by Cape Girardeau founder and French-Canadian, Louis Lorimier. The original building was destroyed by a tornado in 1850, but was rebuilt by a group of volunteers in 2003. As you can see, the building, built in the favored French poteau-sur-solle technique, is currently undergoing some refurbishing.

After checking in at our hotel, we headed on down to the waterfront. Our first stop was to see 'The Great Wall' of Cape Girardeau. 

The 1.3-mile, 16-foot tall floodwall features two sets of murals that face the city. 

The 500-foot-long 'Missouri Wall of Fame' features 47 famous Missourians. It was painted in 1995 by artist, Margaret Dement.

In 'Mississippi River Tales' Cape Girardeau's history is depicted in 24 panels covering approximately 1,100 feet.

For a complete set of photos of the murals, click HERE.

After working our way down, we eventually came to a break in the wall. There we entered the 1.5-acre Riverfront Park, which features a riverfront walk/bike trail and terraced seating for an amphitheater effect. The park is located on the river side of the flood wall and serves as a docking site for paddle boats.

This barge on the Mississippi is the first thing that we saw upon entering Riverside Park.

The sun was setting and we just sat by the river for awhile and enjoyed it's beauty. 

Just outside the break in the wall, and cattycorner across the street, we had supper at Port Cape Girardeau and, honestly, it was some of the best food I've ever eaten. 

The place had some interesting Civil War history to be sure! 

After supper, we returned to Riverside Park to enjoy the river at night. It was so beautiful! 

All of a sudden, granddaughter, Alysia, exclaimed, "What's that in the water?" At first, we weren't able to make out what we were seeing, and, it was so dark, that we never did get any good photos, but, there were several sets of eyes in the water. 

Son-in-law, Aaron, went down to river's edge to investigate, but, even with a flashlight he was unable to detect anything. We, on the other hand, sitting atop the terraced steps, watched as, whatever was in the water, started moving towards him. 

Soon Aaron was surrounded by whatever the creatures were in the water and we were getting a little nervous. There were a couple of big splashes and a lot of activity. Long story short, the eyes in the water belonged to a family of river otters! What a cool experience!!! 

Before heading for our hotel, we ended our night by driving across the double-expansion bridge into Illinois and back. 

After that, we went to our hotel. The girls and I walked, then, after an extremely long day, everyone got ready for bed to get some much-needed rest. What a great first day of our trip and there's plenty more to share!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you mighte enjoy reading...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Afternoon - Trip Photos (Bollinger Mill State Historic Site and Burfordville Covered Bridge) and More

In the last 'trip photos' post, I shared pictures taken at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge near Puxico, Missouri.

Upon leaving Mingo, our party pressed north and east to Burfordville, Missouri where we briefly toured Bollinger Mill State Historic Site and the Burfordville Covered Bridge

We arrived late in the day and the mill was not open. You could tell that there is a lot of work going on at the site as there were cordened off areas and signage, as well as lots of equipment everywhere.

From what I understand, the mill was badly damaged during major flooding a while back and is in great need of immediate repair before major flooding has a chance to occur again. 

Still the mill was lovely from the outside where it is beautifully situated on the upper arm of Whitewater River.

Who can tell me what the metal stars on the
outside of this mill represented?

Right next to Bollinger Mill, the Burfordville Covered Bridge stands as a sentinel to days gone by.

The Burfordville Covered Bridge, built in 1858, features Howe-truss construction and is the oldest remaining covered bridge in our state. It is the third of the four remaining covered bridges in our state that I have had the pleasure of visiting. 

(At one time there were an estimated 30 some such bridges spanning creeks and rivers in Missouri from the 1820's through the end of the century.)

Well, this is all of the photos that I have of those two sites, so I guess that's it for today, BUT, in the next post, we will finally arrive in Cape Girardeau! There's still lots more to share! Thanks for bearing with me! 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy viewing...
#bollingermill #burfordvillecoveredbridge #missouristateparks #missourstatehistoricsites #coveredbridges #oldmills

Monday, September 9, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - September 9, 2024

Time just keeps rolling and, here it is, Monday again already!

Bison Trio
(Some of My Original Photography)

I had last Monday's post partially written, but never got a chance to get it finished and posted Perhaps I'll have better luck today!

The Jigsaw Puzzle That I Just Completed

Highlights from the past couple of weeks include...

... preparing for programs and special events at work. September and October are going to be challenging and wall-to-wall jam-packed!

Prairie State Park
(Where I Work and Play With the Bison)

...attending the family reunion on my dad's side of the family. 

My Cousin, Teresa, and I

...the reunion was a week ago Saturday; on Monday (Labor Day), my cousin, Ray, passed away. Amber and the kids and I were right back in Odessa on Friday for the funeral.

The View From Atop the Hill at Greenton Cemerery

...while at Odessa (on both occassions) we got in a good visit with my mom's best friend from school days and beyond. We are so thankful to still have Pat in our lives! She's a treasure!

Pat and Selah

Pat and I
Pat With Amber and the Children

Pat and the Girls

... Audrey and I took an art class in Joplin. (More about that in a later post.)

...celebrated several birthdays.

Liz and I Celebrated Her 19th 
and My 63rd Together

...and Miss Sophie Turned One

... the weather has been fantastically cool (nights in the 40's), which means backyard bonfires! Last night I even roasted a couple of turkey dogs over the coals for supper. 

Okay...enough with the highlights. Let's get on with today's post...shall we?

Zinnias From My Garden

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Figure mid-month budget and bills
- Watch the presidential debate
- Present a program on 'Missouri's Wild Dogs' for the local 4-H group
- Work (school group Friday morning, 'Spider Sniff' Friday night, work table at 'Prairie Day' at George Washington Carver National Monument on Saturday)
- Pet sit for a friend

Mrs. Meyers Newest Scent
Elderberry! 💜

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Chicken Satay in a Bowl (THM)
Tuesday - Turkey burger on low carb tortillas with sweet potato fries
Wednesday - Slow Cooker Italian Beef and Cabbage (THM)
Thursday - Teriyaki Beef and Broccoli (THM)
Friday - Leftovers (split shift at work, so something I can reheat in microwave)
Saturday - Leftovers
Sunday - Leftovers

Lake Venita @ Odessa, Missouri

That's it for today! I hope you're having a terrific Monday and I wish you a great week ahead!

Until next time...

P.S. - I've not forgotten! There are still more trip photos and posts to come!

Bollinger Mill State Historic Site

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