
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Touching Base and Catching Up

Life is moving fast and there's so much going on that I find it hard to keep up.

A week ago today, during the wee hours of the morning, I shared a post about how my birthday started...which was spectacular...but it only got better from there.

Later on that same morning the Lord answered several prayers that only He could answer and I was overwhelmed with His goodness.

That evening I was invited to Patrick and Amber's for a special meal and a wonderfully delicious birthday dessert...Trim Healthy Mama cheesecake...yum! I was blessed with such an outpouring of love by family and friends that I was overcome with emotion. 

The next morning, Amanda, Aaron, Aaron's mom, Lisa, and the girls and headed east for a fun and exciting adventure! 

Lisa, nor I, neither one, had ever visited the southeast part of our state (Missouri) and Amanda has been trying to get me to Cape Girardeau for something like 18 years. 

We had a grand adventure and I will share more about it as I can over the course of the coming days. 

In the meantime, it's been a long day and I've got to head for bed. I will be with you again soon.

Until then...

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  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures. We only briefly stopped in Cape Girardeau last year on our way back from Tennessee so all I know about it is they have a Steak & Shake, LOL.

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Jean! It's great to hear from you! I don't know about Steak & Shake, but the best food in Cape Girardeau can be found at Port Cape Girardeau just across from the wall down by the river. It was amazing!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week and thanks for stopping in! Blessings, my friend!


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