
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Night - Trip Photos and More

It's Wednesday night and it's getting late, but I wanted to reach out and connect with you before getting ready for bed. 

Today is the first day in well over a week that I didn't have to be somewhere else. I spent the day cleaning house, doing laundry, cooking large-batch items and spliting-up and repackaging meat and other grocery items that I purchased yesterday. I normally do that as soon as I get home from grocery shopping, but I was so tired last night that I just shoved everything in the fridge and saved it for today. 

I haven't posted a menu plan for over two weeks now and it's so late in the week that it seems pointless, but here's what I'm thinking for the remainder of the week...

Thursday - Grand Greek Salad with Swiss Garlic Bread
Friday - Eggroll in a Bowl
Saturday - Crispy Siesta Salmon over a bed of sauteed zucchini
Sunday - Fakertot Casserole

Trip photos...

As promised in last night's post, I will be posting trip photos as I can. 

Our first stop on last week's road trip was at the Montier Cemetery in Shannon County, Missouri. That's where a lot of my dad's people are buried. Here's a picture of me at my great-grandparents grave...

Me at Great-Grandpa and Grandma's Grave

My Great-Grandparents
James Monroe McCann and Annie Lee Stephenson McCann
Sadly, one corner of their stone has been knocked off.

Aunt Maxine and Uncle Chalmer
(My Dad's Sister and Her Husband)
Bill Martin and His Wife, Hermina
(My Dad's First and Closest Cousin)

After visiting the cemetery, which we hadn't done since 2004 (20 years!), we headed deeper into the Ozark Mountains as we made our way across the state. Both of these photos were taken in Shannon County.

On the Road in Shannon County

The Current River

It wasn't long and we were in all new-to-me territory...further east than I had ever been. I'm not going to post much more tonight, but will give you a sneak peak as to what's next...

As we pushed into southeast Missouri, these unusually tall and beautiful flowers started appearing along the edges of the highway. They were everywhere and were definitely something that I had never seen before. It turns out that they are one of Missouri's largest native wildflowers...a type of wild hibiscus called Hairy Rose Mallow. The flower are huge (nearly 6" across) and are quite beautiful!

That's all for tonight. I'll post more road trip photos soon!

Until then...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy ready...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Touching Base and Catching Up

Life is moving fast and there's so much going on that I find it hard to keep up.

A week ago today, during the wee hours of the morning, I shared a post about how my birthday started...which was spectacular...but it only got better from there.

Later on that same morning the Lord answered several prayers that only He could answer and I was overwhelmed with His goodness.

That evening I was invited to Patrick and Amber's for a special meal and a wonderfully delicious birthday dessert...Trim Healthy Mama cheesecake...yum! I was blessed with such an outpouring of love by family and friends that I was overcome with emotion. 

The next morning, Amanda, Aaron, Aaron's mom, Lisa, and the girls and headed east for a fun and exciting adventure! 

Lisa, nor I, neither one, had ever visited the southeast part of our state (Missouri) and Amanda has been trying to get me to Cape Girardeau for something like 18 years. 

We had a grand adventure and I will share more about it as I can over the course of the coming days. 

In the meantime, it's been a long day and I've got to head for bed. I will be with you again soon.

Until then...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Her 63rd Birthday

She celebrated the advent of her 63rd birthday by partaking of the Perseids meteor shower. Despite the forecast of clouds and rain, it happened.

Yes, the clouds parted revealing an untold number of twinking stars in the heavens and, suddenly, there it was...a gift just for her from her Heavenly Father...a huge, unsually bright, pink fireball hurdling across the night sky. Overwhelmed, she cried.

Over the course of the next half hour she witnessed several shooting stars and two more ones this time...not as large and long-lived as the pink one...but, still, quite brilliant. 

It was enough. The girl that was born during the peak of the Perseids long ago was remembered by her Creator and is blessed beyond measure. She is thankful and she is satisfied. I am that girl.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." (Psalm 19:1)

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might be interested in reading...

Monday, August 5, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - August 5, 2024

It's been a busy Monday and the day is very nearly over. I'm going to cut it short, post the basics, and will try to fill in more later.

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Vote in Tuesday's election
- Celebrate lots of family birthdays
- Welcome a new granddaughter into the family
- Work

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Chicken and cauliflower rice
Tuesday - Salmon and sauteed zucchini
Wednesday - Turkey burger and oven fries
Thursday - Chicken burger and veggie pita
Friday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Saturday - Fish and fries
Sunday - Oven-roasted chicken, baked potatoes, corn-on-the-cob

That's all for now! I hope you had a great day and I wish you a wonderful week ahead!

Until next time,

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