Friday, July 5, 2024

Homemaker's Friend 2025 Daily Planner - Get a 10% Discount With Coupon Code

I've been using and sharing Sue Hooley's 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planners' for a long time now.

I first became aquainted with the planners when my husband bought the 2015 edition for me for my birthday back in August of 2014. That was 10 years ago!!! 

Now, here we are in 2024, and the 2025 edition of the 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner' has just been released! As an affiliate, Sue Hooley has graciously extended a 10% discount to my readers!

To get the discount, visit Sue's site (click HERE), order the planner, and, when checking out, use the coupon code 10RK. That's it! But hurry! This offer ends July 11, 2024!

Does anyone else here use the 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner'? If so, please, share what some of your favorite features are in the comment section below.

Until next time...

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 1, 2024 - The Late Edition

After an absolutely gorgeous weekend of perfect days and cooler temps, the hot and steamy weather has returned with a vengence. Happy First of July! 

Wildflower Garden @ Work

It's been a full day and I've progressed little towards getting this post written, so, as evening turns into night, I'm going to just go ahead and post this week's to-do list and menu plan. 

Out on Gayfeather Trail With the Grandsons
Last Night - The Weather Was Beautiful!

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Clean fridge
- Figure July budget and bills
- Pay bills
- Make red, white, and blue jello
- Attend Faith, Family, and Fireworks in Lamar
- Celebrate the 4th of July @ daughter and son-in-law's
- Celebrate the birthdays of two grands
- Work

Gray-headed Coneflower

This week's menu plan...

Monday - THM's Eggroll in a Bowl
Tuesday - Cheeseburger with sauteed peppers and onions
Wednesday - Out
Thursday - 4th of July @ daughter and sils
Friday - Low-carb chicken quesadilla with black beans
Saturday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Sunday - Leftovers

Sunset Over Tallgrass Prairie

That's all for now! I hope your Monday went well and that your week is off to a great start!

Until next time...

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