
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer 2024 Bucket List

Once again, the summer season is upon us and, as usual, it promises to be a busy one. I've been thinking about some of the things that I'd like to do this summer. I know, in reality, I probably won't get to all of them, but having a list will certainly help me to focus on the season and remind me to enjoy it to the fullest! 

" see and know of your own selves that
summer is now nigh at hand" 
(Luke 21:30)

Summer Bucket List 2024

  • Write my summer bucket list
  • Plan my summer menus (these will be posted each week in my 'Master To-Do and Menu Plan Monday' posts) 
  • Celebrate summer birthdays with the grandlittles (there are a bunch of them!)
  • Eat watermelon
  • Welcome a new granddaughter into the family
  • Observe a full moon (June 22 - Strawberry Moon, July 21 - Buck Moon, August 19 - Sturgeon (also a seasonal Blue Moon) September 18 - Harvest Moon (supermoon)
  • Lead an evening wildflower hike at the Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site
  • Complete the following programs at work... 
    - Winged Jewels
    - Nature's Clean-up Crew
    - Spider Sniff
  • Complete the following library programs...
    - Vulture Venture
    - Ssssnake
    - Nature's Masked Bandits
  • Celebrate the 4th of July with family and friends
  • Catch lightening bugs
  • Serve as an election judge
  • Enjoy fresh-cut flowers from my garden
  • Divide irises and clean flower beds
  • Get the word out about my new Zazzle shop and add lots of new products
  • Celebrate my 63rd birthday
  • Enjoy the Perseid meteor shower
  • Listen to cicadas
  • Find a cicada shell
  • Observe a periodic cicada 
  • Paint, hide, and find rocks with the grands
  • Visit Cape Girardeau, Missouri
  • Enjoy fresh produce and herbs from my garden
  • Speak at a 4-H meeting
  • Get van serviced and any needed repairs taken care of
  • Schedule an eye exam and get new glasses

That's what's on my summer bucket list (thus far anyway...I may add to it as the season moves along). What's on yours?

Until next time...

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  1. I would love to do this, but we have so many projects/repairs and renovations, that I am hesitant to write one out. I know things so often change, and we end up doing some stuff a year later. I just may have to do this, with some goals and rewards to go with them. Thanks for the motivation.

    1. I usually don't get to all of the things on my list, Kristina, but it does help to have something written out. It helps me to maintain my focus and points me in the right direction. Some of the stuff seems silly, I gues, and most of it is unimportant, but it still helps me to enjoy the season more fully...especially summer (because it's always been my least favorite). Anyway, I'd love to see your list if you end up making one. In a small way it can be fun and rewarding. Happy First Day of Summer 2024! I hope your summer ahead proves to be an exceptionally wonderful and productive one! Blessings, my friend, and thanks for stopping in!


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