
Monday, June 10, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - June 10, 2024

After a stormy, hot, and muggy weekend, it's a beautiful morning here in southwest Missouri! The sun is shining and, at the moment, we're sitting at a cool 68 degrees; a high of 79 is expected. 

Pale Purple Coneflower

How was your week and weekend? Most of my week here centered around work. I was invited to present a program at the Golden City Public Library on Tuesday. It was the first time that I had presented at that location. There was a nice turnout and I really enjoyed it!

I worked from home on Wednesday and at the park on Friday and Saturday. 
Friday morning I presented a program on cicadas. The children had a great deal of fun learning about the life cycle of a cicada, about how to tell the difference between an annual cicada and a periodic cicada, about 2024's duel emergance of Broods XIX and XIII, making cicada notebooks to take home, and exploring the picnic area. It was a lot of fun!

Annual Cicada

Periodic Cicada

Friday night we celebrated granddaughter, Kelly's, second birthday...

...and Saturday night Shawn and Dee invited me out to eat after work. Afterwards, we went for a drive and I showed them some of my favorite area places. It was nice getting out with old friends and extended family. I really enjoyed it! 

Queen Anne's Lace

Well, it's time to get on with it! Let's take a look at this week's to-do list and menu plan, shall we?

Butterfly Weed

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Present 'Grow as we Go' at the local library
- Go through progam boxes and locate supplies for upcoming summer programs
- Figure mid-month budget and bills
- Work on setting up an online shop
- WIsh daughter-in-law, Christy, a Happy Birthday
- Work


This week's menu plan...

Monday - Turkey Italian sausage with fried cabbage, baked potato, and corn on the cob
Tuesday - Stuffed pepper casserole with corn-on-the cob
Wednesday - Meatballs with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables
Thursday - Turkey burger with oven fries
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Tuna and noodles with peas
Sunday - Beef Tacos

That's it for today! Have a nice Monday and a great week ahead!

Until next time...

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  1. Your weather sort of sounds like ours. We too had a busy work weekend. We replanted tomatoes and fenced in one garden area. I have a lot to catch up on around the house though, and we are not done with our flower beds just yet. Have a nice week.

    1. The rains have stopped and it's turned off hot here. Hope you got the things done that you were hoping to and hope you're having a great weekend!


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