
Monday, May 13, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - May 13, 2024

It's a rainy Monday morning here in southwest Missouri, but the weekend was absolutely gorgeous...sunny, mid-70's, and no storms! It was wonderful!

Peonies From My Garden

I hope all the mamas and grand-ma-mas out there enjoyed a lovely Mother's Day! Mine here was truly blessed! 

I had sweet surprises coming in all week and gifts in the mail...various ones of the children and grands stopping by to visit and leave their offerings of love...time spent with precious family members.

Sweet Mother's Day Offerings

In addition to that I received many messages via text and messenger and was treated to strawberry shortcake and hot tea last night! 

More Offerings of Love For Mother's Day

It was a lovely Mother's Day all the way around and, although I've failed and made many mistakes along the way, I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I truly am blessed in every possible way!

A First-Time Sighting For Me - A Blue Grosbeak

After spending many hours on the phone battling with Rheme (and being without hot water for three weeks...again) the right parts finally arrived and Rudy was able to get my hot water tank fixed over the weekend. I am so thankful! I don't mind being without hot's an inconvience, yes...but what I don't like is a company that makes a shoddy product and won't stand behind their word. This is the second Rheme hot water tank and the third or fourth time without hot water for a substantial length of time in the eight years lived in this house...and, always, it's just waiting for Rheme to honor their word and get the right parts to us. I will never again purchase another Rheme/Richmond product. There is surely another, more dependable, brand out there. Anyway...I'm sorry for complaining and so much for that!

Carla and I made it the Amish greenhouse on Tuesday. I purchased tomatoes, peppers, rosemary, a pretty red geranium, and celosia.

Inside the Greenhouse


We had some great school groups come through last week at work. One little boy really touched my heart. At the end of our time together I asked him what his favorite part of the day was. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "Being with you!" So sweet! 💗

Because of deep water crossings and unmowed trails (due to all the rain we've had) we decided to confine Friday's wildflower hike to the quarter-mile loop. There was a great number of spring wildflowers in bloom there and I think everyone enjoyed it.

Wild Hyacinth, Spiderwort, and Indian Paintbrush

Well, the week has been full and I could ramble on forever, but the noon whistle just blew and the day is getting away from me. I better get on with today's post. Join me, won't you?

Mandevilla Trellis

This week's master to-do list...

- Wait patiently for the first of two new grandbabies to arrive (due today)
- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Pick up a few things at the store
- Get tomatoes and peppers in the ground 
- Present a library program on 'Baby Bison'
- Work (school groups again this week)
- Plan and prepare for an upcoming out-of-town work trip

Friday's Northern Lights
A real rarity in Missouri!

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Taco salad in homemade baked tortilla bowl
Tuesday - Fish sandwich with baked potato and oven-roasted carrots
Wednesday - Turkey burger with oven fries (sweet potato)
Thursday - Homemade pizza
Friday - Chicken soft tacos
Saturday - Turkey burger with black beans and rice
Sunday - Out


That's all for today! I hope your Monday is going well and that you have a great week ahead! 

Until next time...

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