Monday, May 6, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - May 6, 2024

Here in the southwest corner of Missouri, this past week has been wet and, at times, very wild!

Sirens blared as tornadoes hopped, skipped, and jumped their way across county lines. Dark clouds formed with multiple tails hanging down. The tails would twist and turn, then swirl their way back up into the darkened clouds above. From what I understand, there were, at least, two touchdowns in our immediate area. 

Here is a picture that granddaughter, Audrey, took of what she and her family observed on their way home from Lamar on Thursday...

Photo Taken by Audrey Pennington
May 2, 2024

At the moment the sun is shining, but clouds are gathering and storms are expected to return this evening carrying over into the overnight hours. Please pray peace and safety over all that are within their paths.

Saturday turned out nice for 'Truman Days' and the 65th Anniversary of the Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site in Lamar, MIssouri. 

I was invited to teach cornhusk doll-making again this year.

I don't know how many dolls were made, but I know those that made them sure enjoyed doing so!

Now another busy week lies ahead and it's time to get started! Join me...won't you?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundrey
- Wash the bedding that I did't get to last week
- Await the birth of a new granddaughter (she's due a week from today)
- Visit the Amish greenhouse (purchase tomato and pepper plants)
- Work (lots of year-end school groups)
- Lead a prairie wildflower hike

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Tuna and noodles with green beans
Tuesday - Turkey burger with sauteed peppers, potatoes, and onions
Wednesday - Homemade chicken nuggets, cheesey potatoes, and green beans
Thursday - Soft tacos with black beans and rice
Friday - Breakfast for supper
Saturday - Homemade pizza
Sunday - Leftovers

Current Diamond Painting Project

That's all for today! I hope your Monday is going well and that the week ahead is a great one!

Until next time...

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