Last week was absolutely frigid (temperatures below zero with windchills as low as -25); this morning...freezing's supposed to warm up considerably and not be too bad over the next week or so. I'm thankful!
Due to circumstances beyond mycontrol, very little of what was on my to-do list last week was actually accomplished. I didn't make it to the grocery store, no deep-cleaning was done, the library was closed, so the program that I was supposed to present on Tuesday was canceled, and it will probably be another week or two before I get my van we'll see how this week goes. I'm not planning a lot.
Let's get started...shall we?
This week's master 'to-do' list...
- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Clean fridge
- Clean and defrost fridge freezer
- Clean and defrost deep-freeze
- Grocery shop
- Have breakfast with Angie
- Solidify the 2024 program schedule (work programs)
- Work
This week's menu plan...
Monday - Tuna patties, canned potatoes, fried cabbage, and corn-on-the-cob
Tuesday - Broiled salmon and mashed potatoes with oven-roasted carrots
Wednesday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Thursday - Turkey burger and oven fries
Friday - Oven-roasted chicken with baked potato and oven-roasted carrots
Saturday - Breakfast for supper
Sunday - Leftovers
Well, that's it for today! Have a nice day and a great week ahead!
Until next time...
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