Monday, December 30, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - December 30, 2024

It's the last Monday of 2024 and, in case you haven't noticed, I've not posted a single post since the week of Thanksgiving. For that I am truly sorry, but it couldn't be helped.

There's been a lot going on and, to be honest, my eyesight is making it more and more difficult to concentrate on anything for too long at a time. Even now, as I type this, the, usually sharp, black letters against the white screen are dull and difficult to see. I am scheduled to have eye surgery on both eyes come February. 

As a result of being missing-in-action for the past month, I have, inadvertenly, missed out in sharing the entire Christmas season with you. I will share a few pics taken throughout the season in this post.

Grandgirls Galore (All But Four)
and Handsome Grandsons, Too!

The season was beautiful and was one filled with blessing and wonder! Throughout the holidays I got to spend time with each of my six children and their families, including all of the grands and the two great-grands. It was a very enjoyable Christmas season and I have much to be thankful for!

Christmas Play @ Bethal

Now, as the old year comes to close, my thoughts turn towards the fast-approaching new one and I look forward to it with great anticipation!

My Cousin, Nita (pronounced Night-uh),
Passed Away on December 20, 2024 😢

For now, though, let's just take a quick look at the week ahead...shall we?

This week's to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Take down Christmas decorations 
- Place online orders for health and beauty products that I am running low on (vitamins, THM, Mary Kay)
- Place a Zazzle order
- Figure January budget
- Go to the bank
- Pay bills
- Celebrate New Year's Day
- Celebrate family birthdays
- Work

This week's menu plan...

As we move into the final days of 2024, I realize that everything is in disarray after the holidays...including my refrigerator, freezer, deep freeze, and cabinets. In light of that, I think it's time to take a food inventory to see what I've got on-hand and organize the list into meals. I will share more about that later. In the meantime, here's a tentative plan for the week ahead...

Christmas Cannoli

Monday - Taco salad
Tuesday - Black-eyed peas with ham, cornbread, and fried potatoes
Wednesday - Chili with crackers
Thursday - Chicken and rice with vegtables
Friday - Fish sandwich and oven fries
Saturday - Homemade pizza
Sunday - Leftovers

The Cake That Amanda Made in Remembrance
of John's Birthday. It would have been his 71st.
So beautiful and such a good job! Lemon was
his favorite! 💛

That's all for today! I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you a bright and blessed New Year!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, November 25, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 25, 2024/THANKSGIVING 2024

As we move into this week of Thanksgiving my heart is full of a myriad of emotions. I miss my husband desperately right now, yet, at the same time, my heart is full to the brim with gratitude and thankfulness for so many things...

  - for the Love of the Father and His everpresent goodness and blessing in my life
  - for the fifty-five years of friendship and the thirty-three years of marriage that John and I shared (I love and miss you, Babe!)
  - for our children, grands, and, now, great-grands
  - for dear friends, extended family (on both sides), church family, and co-workers
  - for God's provision 
  - for His magnificent creation
  - for His Word (the Holy Bible)
  - for His Son (my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ), and the work that He did on the cross for me
  - for my job
  - for America and all that she stands for
  - and for so much more!

Even in times of sorrow, grief, and distress (once I can get myself to look beyond the darkening clouds!) I realize what a blessed and fortunate woman I truly am and I am soooooo thankful! 

How about you? What are you truly thankful for this Thanksgiving season?

Let's take a look at the week ahead...shall we?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Spend time with family and friends
- Decorate for Christmas
- Listen to Christmas music
- Pet sit for a friend
- Work
- Flip the calendar page to December
- Set up 2025 planner (starts with December 2024)

A Little Italian Humor
(My husband would have loved this one!)

This week's menu plan...

With all the activity surrounding the holiday I don't think I'd have much luck in sticking to a menu plan this week, so I'm not even going to attempt making one.

I did bake a turkey yesterday and have divided it up into meal size portions to be frozen and divvied up throughout the season as needed. 

Other than that, I'm not too sure about anything concerning food at this point. Ha!

I do hope that your week is off to a great start and I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 18, 2024


Monday, November 18, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 18, 2024

It's a rainy Monday and here comes that overwhelming feeling again. Were my husband here (and we were back home) I have no doubt that we'd be taking a walk in the rain at Burr Oak Woods. I truly love and miss that man so much! 💔

Bethany Falls Trail
Burr Oak Woods
Blue Springs, Missouri

I went to the eye doctor last week and no new glasses. Instead, I will be having cataracts removed from both eyes after the first of the year. Prayers on my behalf during this process would be much appreciated and thanks in advance.

White-crown Beard
As Soon As The Weather Gets A Little Bit Cooler, I
Will Have Frost Flowers "Blooming" In My Yard

I won't be making a menu plan this week, but here is this week's master to-do list...

    - Clean house
    - Do laundry
    - Get an appointment set with the eye
    - Present library program
    - Pay property taxes
    - Pick up a few things at the store
    - Work

'Fox in the Forest'
Library Program Prep

That's it for today! I hope your Monday is going well and that your week is off to a great start!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, November 11, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 11, 2024

I don't normally like to share two posts in one day, but, since it's Veteran's Day AND 'Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday', both on the same day, I figured why not?

I spent all morning looking for an article of clothing that I just couldn't find. In a last ditch effort I checked the washer and, sure enough, there it was...along with all the other clothes that I had washed on Saturday and, apparently, forgot about. They were fine, but I did rewash (adding what laundry had accumulated over the weekend) and they are now hanged and drying. 

Great-horned Owl
(Photo From Library Program I Did Back in 2019)

Several people showed up for Friday night's 'Owl Prowl'. It was a bit chilly, but the rain held off and we had a great experience as we scouted around the nighttime wooded areas of the park learning about owls and trying to call in a barred owl. 

It didn't seem to be working at first, but, at the very end, just as we were getting ready to break it up and leave, a barred owl started responding...and so did the rain! We also heard a short-eared owl. It was a great night! 🦉

Short-eared Owl
(Photo Taken January 28, 2023)

I was off Saturday. A couple of the kids and their families came over that evening to visit and we enjoyed some Native American cuisine together.

Native American Foods
(Photo From a Program I Did Back in 2016)

Now, here we's Monday and, after a terrific weekend, I am chomping at the bit and ready to get started! Let's do it...shall we?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Start thinking about and planning for the holidays (solidify plans, finish up gifts, work on Christmas cards, etc.)
- Get an eye exam and new glasses
- Make a return at the UPS store
- Shop for a few fresh items
- Go to the bank
- Pay mid-month bills
- Work

This week's menu plan....

Monday - Chicken fajitas with black beans and cauli-rice
Tuesday - THM Eggroll in a Bowl (freezer)
Wednesday - Cauli-nachos
Thursday - Oven-roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, baked pumpkin, and green beans
Friday - Fish sandwich and oven fries
Saturday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Sunday - Chili and crackers

That's it for today! I hope your Monday is going well and let's do our best to make the week ahead a great one!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Veteran's Day - November 11, 2024

I am so very thankful for our veterans...those that, down through the ages, have, unashamedly and without apology, served our nation throughout its history and in times of their all...and, in some cases, their very lives...that we may be free. 

To all those veterans out there I shout out a great big..."Thank you!"

And even though all of them have passed away and are no longer with us, a very special 'thank you' is whispered to the memory of my great-uncle, Mick (Milton Fox), uncles, Clifford Brown, Howard Brown, J.B. Graham, and Donald Adams, and to my husband's uncles, Art Cuda, Al Cuda, and Jack Clark for their years of service during WWII. 

My Great-Uncle, Milton ("Micky") Fox

And let's not forget all those who lived, fought, and died before them to give us the freedoms that we enjoy today in this great and glorious country...the United States of America!

The Grave of My Seventh-Great-Grandfather, James Stephenson
Revolutionary War Hero - King's Mountain and Siege of Yorktown
God bless veterans and always! 

Freedom Speech from "Braveheart"...

"I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And free man you are! What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?"

"Two thousand against ten?" - one shouted - "No! We will run - and live!"

"Aye!" Wallace shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you will least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!"

  "...proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof..." (Leviticus 25:10)

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thursday Things - November 7, 2024

It's Thursday morning and, after a very eventful few days, I'm ready to settle down for a day or two and collect my thoughts.

Monday afternoon lightening struck a friend's house and split the tree in front of their house. The strike left the tree blackened and smoldering, blew out their wiring, and took out several of their electronic devices. Praise God, though, their house didn't catch on fire, neither of them were hurt, and help from the city was almost immediate. I praise God for His protection and, please, pray for them that they get the help they need in rewiring and getting things fixed. They are first-time homeowners and had only moved in the week before. I don't know how they're set on insurance and all that, but, either way, that's got to be frustrating!

Of course, the election was Tuesday. 

I, along with a few other family members and friends, gathered for a watch party at Patrick and Amber's that evening and wow! What a wild ride! I didn't make it home and to bed until 2:30 a.m.  

My thoughts and prayers are with President Trump and his family, Vice-President Vance and his family, President Biden, and Vice-President Harris...also with all the senators, representatives, governors, and every other elected official at every level (federal, state, and local) all across this great land of ours, and may the peace of God settle over our nation and prevail during this time of change and transition.

Yesterday I rode up home with Amber and the children to attend Claudia's funeral. I felt so bad for Larry and the children (it's going to be hard on them without her), but Larry gave Claudia a beautiful send-off. Even the funeral home guy stated that he had never seen so many roses (and all of them red)! Claudia was much too young...only 47. She will be missed.

Claudia JoLynn Brown

Now, as things begin to settle down around me, perhaps my mind can settle down to things on the homefront...preparations for the coming winter (finishing up the last of the outside stuff, winterizing), Christmas (Family Christmas is only five weeks away!), food, and finances. There's a lot to do in a short time and that's what I'm going to focus on today.

It was great catching a few moments to chat with you over tea this morning. I'm going to get started and you have a great day!

Until next itme...

Recent and related posts that you might enjjoy...

Monday, November 4, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 4. 2024

After weeks/months of drought, it's been a very rainy couple of days here in southwest Missouri. 

Storms Rolling in From the West

The thunder rolls across the prairie as severe storms brew to our west. We are under a tornado watch here at the moment, but tornado warnings have already been issued in counties just to our west. 

Update: Right after I typed the above, I ran out to get a photo of the approaching storm. Next thing I knew tornado sirens were going off and there was a tornado warning issued for our area. We had quite the little adventure there for a few minutes, then everything cleared and, now, it's just rain. Praise the Lord!

Heavy Rain

I'm just going to get right on into this week's post. Let's go...shall we?

Saturday Morning Sky on the Way to Work
It was great seeing water in a long-dry creek!

This week's to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Wash comforter
- Go to the post office
- Choose a health care plan for 2025
- Vote in Tuesday's election
- Attend a political watch party
- Make a trip back home to attend my cousin's wife's funeral (she was only 47) 😢
- Work
- Conduct an owl prowl (at work)

Claudia JoLynn Brown

Please pray for my cousin, Larry, and
he and Claudia's three children. 

Barred Owl

This week's menu plan...

I'm going to attempt a low-spend November and focus on using up (or at least make a dent in) foods on-hand...especially freezer items.

Monday - Breakfast for supper
Tuesday - Out
Wednesday - Pasta with turkey Italian sausage stuffed sweet peppers, peas, and garlic bread
Thursday - Turkey burger and sweet potato fries
Friday - Sandwich and chips
Saturday - Corn Chowder, Ojibwa Baked Pumpkin, and Indian Fry Bread
Sunday - Chili with crackers 

Friday Night Sky

That's it for today! I hope you're having a nice Monday and that you have a great week ahead!

Until next time...

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