Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Eve

It's Thanksgiving Eve and I've been working in the kitchen since getting out of bed this morning and, I must say, I've enjoyed every single moment of it!

Since I'm notorious for losing stray hairs here, there, and yonder, first thing I did (and in true lunch-lady fashion!) I pinned my hair up and put on a hair net. That is something I've never done before when working in my own kitchen, but I'm glad I did! I didn't have to worry about it after that. The whole time, though, I kept thinking, "What if someone shows up unexpectedly?" I looked liked a peeled and netted onion!!! Ha-ha! one did, and now it's off, so all is well! ðŸ˜† 

At this point, I've baked two loaves of French bread, made two pumpkin rolls, have two pies baked, two pies in the oven, and three pies waiting to be baked. The 'Heavenly Corn' is put together in the crockpot and is waiting in the fridge to be set out and turned on low first thing in the morning. The turkey is out of the fridge and sitting in a sink of cold water to finish thawing before being popped in the oven just before going to bed tonight. 

Now it's time to grab a bite of lunch, then sit back and rest while waiting for company to arrive from Kansas City. 

What about you? How are you spending your Thanksgiving? Are you cooking? Or are traveling? What are most thankful for today?

Until next time...

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  1. I've been in the kitchen all day too, and have enjoyed ever minute also! I've made a pumpkin roll, pumpkin balls, deviled eggs, prepared the turkey to go in the oven first thing in the morning, made your famous hot roll dough for hot rolls, made Rudy some t-balls, to surprise for him with when he gets home from work tonight, the mash potatoes, stuffing will be made in the morning too. Amanda, Aaron and Alysia dropped of 15 cartons of egg nog, heaven help us lol! We will be going to Corey and Heather's for Thanksgiving this year! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love you bunches, Angie

    1. Sounds like you cooked up a lot of good food, Angie! Glad Rudy got his annual egg nog drop! LOL! That boy and his egg nog!!! (shaking head and laughing out loud) We missed seeing you guys yesterday, but know you all had a great time at Corey and Heather's. I'm sure you got plenty of baby snuggles, too, from that great-grandson of mine! Love you, too! <3


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