Monday, October 30, 2023

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - October 30, 2023

After getting the first hard freeze of the season last night, it's a cool and frosty morning here on the tallgrass prairie. 

We did get some much-needed rain over the weekend, which is good, but this morning the sun is shining and it promises to be a beautiful Monday! 

What's the weather like where you're at? Back home (in the Kansas City area...two hours north of my current location), Amanda and her family were picking apples in the snow yesterday afternoon! 😲 Crazy!!!  

Speaking of Amanda...she and her girls surprised me at work Saturday afternoon, just in time for 'Nature Bingo', but, the even bigger surprise was, they had rode down with my cousin, Tara, and her girls!

Ohmygoodness! I couldn't believe it! This was Tara's first trip down...ever! And it was such a surprise!!! 

After work I met up with them again at Patrick and Amber's where we all, along with Tony and Nicole and their family, had supper together. Amber made a big pot of chicken chowder and Audrey baked a big pan of Good Earth Rolls and made homemade brownies. Everything was so good! Perfect for a cold, wet, and rainy Saturday evening! It was wonderful getting to see everyone and get in a good visit with everyone, too! 

In looking back further over the past week, Tuesday's library program went well. The children enjoyed learning about spiders and their webs.

I called the local repairman about my dryer and he came over and took a look at it Tuesday evening. I was thinking that the heating element was going out, but, it turns out that the fan center was worn and it wasn't turning (that's why it was taking two or three rounds to get anything dry) and there were some clips or something that needed replaced. Like, I said last week, I hardly use the dryer anymore, since purchasing a drying rack, but, when I do need to use it (especially for bedding), I want it to be as energy efficiant as possible. Anyway, the parts are in and the needed repairs should be made by tonight.

I could go on, but the day is getting away from me. Let's get on with this week's post...shall we?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Set an appointment to get my vehicle serviced (oil change and over-all check-up before winter)
- Celebrate Reformation Day
- Pet sit for a friend
- Work
- Celebrate National Bison Day
- Set the clocks back

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Texas style beef and beans
Tuesday - French onion soup and baguette
Wednesday - Corn chowder and grilled cheese sandwich
Thursday - Italian sausage with cabbage and baked potato
Friday - Leftovers beef and beans or soup and sandwich
Saturday - Bison chili
Sunday - Leftovers 

Well, that's it for today! I hope your Monday is going well and that your week is off to a great start! 

Until next time...

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  1. I hate to see cold weather arrive. As I write this to you at nearly 1am, the temp is 42 but says it feels like 36. BRR!!! That's too dang chilly for Alabama, in my opinion :) I love playing BINGO!! Oh, goodness, it's so frustrating when appliances stop working. We recently replaced all 4 major appliances in the kitchen. They went out one by one, they were purchased new twelve years old. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 136. Pinned.

    1. We've been down in the teens, 20's, and 30's here for the past several days, but, as of today, it's starting to warm up nicely. It's supposed to be in to the 70's over the weekend! Not bad for November! I wish you could join us for a round of 'nature bingo', Dee I think you'd enjoy it! As for! Four in short succession! That's not good! My dryer is fixed (fan had stopped working and some clips needed to be replaces where the drum rides), but yesterday my van went the teens, no heat, and son came over after he got off work and got me going again. Next week he's going to do an oil change and replace the brakes. After that I should be set for winter driving. Thanks for dropping in, Dee, and have a wonderful weekend! Blessings! <3


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