Monday morning and, after bad storms last night, the internet and
phone lines are down. I won't be able to post this until everything
is back up and running, but, while everything is quiet, I thought I'd
work on it.
was your week and weekend? My week here fairly flew by! I didn't
accomplish much on the homefront, but I did spend a lot of good quality
time with family and friends, which was very enjoyable and I feel so
spoiled, at times, that I could almost burst. God is so good to me and all I
do is whine. I should be (and am) ashamed of myself.
rode to and from Arkansas twice this week with Patrick and Amber and the children
as they transported Audrey and Silas to and from a discipleship summit
near Fayetteville. While I was there I got to get in a short visit
with my friend, Roxanne, and she says that she is coming up in August
to visit and see the park where I work! I am super excited and it
will be fun to spend time and give her the grand tour!
in our small town has started an online rock group (the kind you
paint, hide, and find), so, while the older children were out of
town, I got together with the younger ones and we painted and hid
rocks all over town.
While we were out, Esther found a rock that
someone else had hidden!
was Brendon's Celebration of Life. It was great
getting together with the cousins and visiting with old friends that
were there, as well. Everything was really nice and Bren was
well-honored. Please continue to remember his family in your prayers.
before I left to go to the Celebration of Life I discovered that the
battery in the van was dead (in that moment I was sure regretting
that I had sold my car...if I hadn't sold it I would have had a
back-up!), but I called a friend that was headed to the Celebration
of Life, too, so she came by and gave me a ride; Patrick and Amber
brought me home and gave me a jump start. I let the van run for a
while, then made it to Dollar General and back without incident. I'm
hoping that the van with start this morning ( didn't). If
it does, I'm going to run up town to see if Scott (the guy at Tires
and Auto) can put a new battery in (which...after another jump start,
I did) and, hopefully, he's got the one I need in stock (which...he
did). In fact, I'm going to take a break from this post and do that
right now (which...I did...had to get a ride home, but he's working
on it now...will have it done in an hour or so).
I am. I just got a new tea in the mail to try...cardamom
spiced...recommended by a friend. I'm also doing something I never
do...making a gallon of iced tea. I'm trying to break the soda (Diet
Coke, Coke Zero) least cut down on it...I've been drinking
way too much of it again lately and my body feels it.
still in the triple-digit temps, but, a few more days and we should
be back to highs in the 90's with lows in the 60's. I am certainly
looking forward to that! I'm just thankful that we finally got some
rain and hope that it was enough to do some good somewhere. These
drought conditions are hard on area farmers for sure.
I've probably mused long enough. It will be time to pick up my van up
soon, so I will close for now and post this as soon as the internet
is back up and running.'s 9:30 p.m. Monday night. The new battery is installed on my van, but I am still without internet and phone service. I am using my son's internet long enough to get this post out, then I'm going to bed.
hope your Monday is going well and that your week is off to a great
next time...
and related posts that you might be interested in reading...