Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday Things - Rain, A Change in Menu Plans, and More

It's a beautiful rainy day here in southwest Missouri and I am so thankful! We might finally be getting enough rain to make a difference! Whether we are or not I am enjoying it greatly! 

Pink Peony

I've been piddling around the house most of the day. I've made the bed, done dishes, fluffed and folded the towels, washed a load of clothes, gone through program boxes to find items needed for upcoming programs, and brought in the trash bin. I've also started preparing a list of things that will need to be packed before heading for spring training, which is coming up quite soon.

More Irises

I've done a total turn-around on my menu plan this week. I got to looking in the fridge and discovered that I still had so many fresh vegetables that needed used. With just me in the house it's hard to use some things up in a timely manner, but, I don't like wasting food. Even though it may take extra time, energy, and effort, I generally do whatever I have to to keep it from going to waste. 

I thought, "Well, I'll just chop these vegetables up and freeze them." Then I thought, "Why don't you just chop them up and cook them into a stir-fry now?" And that's what I did. 

I chopped up cabbage, cauliflower, onion, green pepper, celery, mushrooms, and carrots, and added fresh corn cut from the cob. I am cooking up some ground turkey to add to the pot and will season the mixture with salt, black pepper, and Bragg's aminos. This evening I will serve the stirfry over brown rice and will make up several containers that will be used over the next couple of days or frozen to eat later. I will reevaluate the current menu plan next week. 

I have some apples that need used up, too. I think I will turn them into an apple cake. After it's cooled I will sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar, cut into slices, wrap, and freeze to be doled out a piece at time here and there along the way. For my favorite Apple Cake recipe click HERE

Well, I guess that's it for today. I'm so glad that I had time to sit down and visit with you this afternoon. That just makes my day! 

What's going on in your world today? I pray that all is well with you and yours and that you're having a lovely Thursday afternoon!

Until next time...

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  1. Hello! I love your idea of using up what you had on hand. And I love apple cake! Thanks for the recipe. Have a cozy weekend, my friend!

    1. You're welcome, Billie! And thanks! Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day! Blessings, my friend!

  2. Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day my friend.

    1. The same to you, Linda! Happy Mother's Day! Blessings! <3


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