
Thursday, December 1, 2022

Thursday Things - December 1, 2022

It was a cool, cloudy, and gray day here in southwest Missouri. Now, the day is about over and I'm having a cup of tea before winding down for bed. 

First thing this morning I made a batch of rolls to divide, and put in the freezer; after that I started wrapping Christmas gifts. I really need to get on the stick though. Family Christmas is coming up a week from Saturday. 

I still need to figure out a few odd-and-end last minute gifts for the grands, go thrift-store shopping in hopes of finding an ugly sweater, and figure out what foods I'm going to take along for the potluck. 

How about you? How's your week going? How was your day? And how are your Christmas preparations coming along?

Until next time...

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  1. I have so many things and events planned in the month of December every year that we start in Oct prepping. We start Christmas shopping, preparing make ahead dishes for meals, I prepare ad precooked and place dishes in the freezer. I don't like stressing through my holidays. I did a video on our channel about Stress Free Holidays in hopes it might help other people. Out channel is Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. . Your tree is so pretty. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. That's what I need to do, Tracy...start prepping early...and every year I intend to, but, then, don' least not to the extent that I'd like to. In the years that I have succeeded in doing so, to some degree, though, it sure made the holiday season much more relaxing. Thanks for the inspiration and I will definitely check out that video on your channel! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm headed there now. Merry Christmas to and yours, too, and thanks! That's the little tree that I put up in my bedroom.


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