
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Evening Journal - Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Good evening! It's been a long time since I've done one of these 'Keeping It Simple' Daily Journal Entries. Perhaps it's time to get back to them, even if it's only on one or two days per week.

The View Across The Way

~ What Time It Is...

... 6:22 p.m.

~ What I'm Doing...

... taking a break before supper and getting ready to watch Meet Me In St. Louis with Judy Garland

~ I Am Praising The LORD For...

... His love, mercy, grace, and protection in every area...even when I can't feel it and am unaware of it. 

~ Things That Made Me Smile Today...

... the Carolina wren that flew through my house and my friend, Roxanne.

~ What I Did Today...

... organized and put away canned and dry goods purchased yesterday, weatherized the north bedroom window, covered the under-house vents, took down the birdfeeders, cleaned, and refurbished them in preparation for winter bird feeding, 

~ My Evening Prayer...

... that the Lord would continue to lead, guide, and direct me in the battles that take place in my mind and give me victory over them.

~ What's For Supper...

... broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole with a wheat bran muffin

How was your day? What did you accomplish? And what was on the supper plate?

Until next time...

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  1. Hello
    My day went very well today! My sisters and I helped my mom get somethings done around her house that she has been wanting to get done for awhile, but has never been able to get to them. Supper tonight was pork steak, salad and half a backed potato.
    Hope you have a great evening. Love you, Angie

    1. Thanks for commenting, Angie! Glad to hear that you had a good day. Bet your mom was happy. It always feels so good to get stuff marked off the 'to-do' list! Sounds like a yummy supper at your house. Have a good evening! Love you, too! <3


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