
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Afternoon Journal - Thursday, November 3, 2022

Leaves in the Backyard

~ What Time It Is...

... 2:06 p.m.

~ What I'm Doing...

... taking an afternoon break and enjoying a cup of hot tea.

~ I Am Praising The LORD For...

... a beautiful autumn day! It's very windy here on the tallgrass prairie of southwest Missouri today, but the sun is shining and the temperature is in the mid-70's. I am thankful for each and every nice day that we get because no a/c and no heat equals $$$ in my pocket, and we can all use extra $$$ in our pockets these days, can't we?

~ Something Beautiful...

... the sight and sound of brown crunchy leaves skiddering down the street and dancing their way across the lawn.

~ From Today's Scripture Reading...

... "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to they navel and marrow to thy bones." (Proverbs 3:5-8)

~ What I've Accomplished So Far Today...

... made bed, straightened house, went to the bank, dropped out-going mail off at the post office, paid utilities, picked up a couple of things at Dollar General, got my health care plan for 2023 fixed and finalized, made and ate lunch.

~ What I Have Left To Do...

... work in the Van Gogh room (it's a mess ALWAYS!), make supper, get ready for work tomorrow.

~ What's For Supper...

... taco soup served with cheese, sour cream, and corn chips.

What does your day look like? And what's on the supper menu at your house?


  1. Hello
    I finished up at mom's today, then my sister and I took a bunch of stuff to Good Will. Its 9:40pm and Rudy is not home from work yet, so supper will depend on if him and the work crew stopped and ate on the road home. If not it will be something simple. Have a great evening. Love ya, Angie

    1. Sounds like you girls had a productive week! What time did Rudy end up making it home? Did he have supper on the road with the guys? Or did he end up eating at home with you Thursday night? Hope you all had a great weekend! I love you, too!


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