
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits - October 11, 2022

It's late in the day. I've lit a pumpkin-scented candle and am enjoying a lovely cup of hot tea. 

I finally got the weatherization process started yesterday afternoon (three windows, thus far) and will continue to work my way around the house until it's done. 

In addition to starting the weatherization process, I got the heating stove cleaned and ignited, as well, and none too soon, I'm sure. Nighttime temperatures are supposed to dip into the 40's tomorrow night, with the possibility of it being even colder by week's end. 

We got some much-needed rain overnight and a bit more this afternoon. As dry as we are, I doubt that it was enough to do much, but some rain has got to be better than none at all.

After one or the other of us having to cancel on the other three weeks in a row, my friend, Carla, made it over this afternoon. It was nice to finally get in a good visit and catch up a bit.

Now, I think I'm going to make some popcorn, put on a movie, and wind down for the evening. 

I hope you've had a good day! Talk to you again soon!

Until next time...

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