
Monday, October 24, 2022

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - October 24, 2022

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor our county in Missouri is in D4 drought ('eceptional drought' they say, which is as about as dry as it can get), but, despite deepening drought conditions, it's a beautiful Monday morning here on the tallgrass prairie of southwest Missouri! 

Tallgrass Prairie Sunrise
October 22, 2022

Actually, the weatherman says that we have a pretty good chance of getting some rain today and tomorrow and I sure hope he's right! With most area creeks and ponds completely dried up, everything in nature is suffering. 

(Update at the time of posting - We are, indeed, getting the rain and it looks like it's going to stick around for a day or two. Praise the Lord!)

How was your week and weekend? My week here was full. I worked more days than usual and was away from home every day, except one; Thursday I was home and sick in bed. 🤢 Fortunately, whatever I had was short-lived and I was able to work Friday and Saturday. 

Monday was grandson T.J.'s birthday. I visited with him for a while, then went on into town to pick up a few things.

Tuesday we worked the bison for their annual vet checks. It's always an adventure to work in such close proximity to the animals, but everything went well and it was a great day.

Bison in the Corral

I captured the first frost flowers of the season early Wednesday morning. They are so beautiful and this is the earliest that I've ever seen them. Usually, it doesn't get cold enough for them to appear until November and, generally, closer to Thanksgiving. There will be more, of course, but this first round was super early.

Frost Flower
October 19, 2022

Also on Wednesday a friend of mine and I visited the Amish, Mennonite, and other stores to the north of us. While there we visited the Bates County Museum. They have a small gift shop there and I found, and purchased, a few more vintage cookie cutters. They're like the ones my mom had when I was growing up. The ones Mom had were all tin; some of the ones I've purchased are tin, but some, are copper. I like them all! Inadvertantly, I think I've started an acutally collection of them. I buy them wherever I find them if they're not too expensive and use them to decorate. 

Vintage Copper and Tin Cookie Cutters

I worked Friday and Saturday; after church Sunday I worked outside. 

Zinnias Along the Front
October 2022

The zinnias that were planted in the garden early on died, and were removed long ago, but the zinnias in front of the house fared somewhat better. They were completely dry on the stem, so I pulled them up and removed the heads to save seed for next year. I cut and saved dried purple coneflower heads for seed for next year, too.

Purple Coneflower
August 2021

Tony stopped by for a minute on his way to somewhere else and ended up staying and helping me plant some iris bulbs. One of our regular visitors to the park brought them to me a while back and we planted them all in one bed where they will grow as a testimony of her kindness. She had each group of bulbs and cream, blue and white, purple dwarfs, and yellow. I will very much be looking forward to seeing them bloom in the spring!

Additionally, we got a mum planted, got the garden tools put away in the shed, and added plant debris and downed limbs to the brushpile. I still have a bit of weatherizing left to do on the outside of the house and I need to cover the vents, but, other than that, the outside work is done until spring.

Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site

Well...enough about last week! Let's take a look at the week ahead, shall we?

Ground Cherries
Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site

This week's master to-do list...

- clean house
- do laundry
- send birthday wishes to granddaughter, Kayla
- take printed and matted photos to a local shop to display and sell
- write (letters, an article, and a, hopefully, an additional post or two)
- continue weatherizing my home
- get together with family and friends
- start planning the holidays

Butler City Lake
Butler, Missouri

This week's menu plan...

This week will pretty much look like last week...rice and beans, soups, fresh fruits and vegetables. I do have a carton of egg whites that needs used, so I will turn that into a large batch of Trim Healthy Mama pancakes and freeze them in portion-sized packages. 

Sunrise Over Tallgrass Prairie
Other than that, I guess that's it for today! You all have a great Monday and I'll be with you again soon!

Until next time...

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  1. Hello lovely Friend! I've missed your blog - don't know how I got off track of finding you. 😊 I'm so glad your illness was short lived! It's coming on that season here and I'm trying to be extra careful. I love the scenery and wildlife of where you live. So beautiful! I hope you have a blessed rest of your week. xoxo

    1. Hey, Carrie! Believe me, I understand. No one is more off track than I am these days...with everything it seems. I'm glad you're here though. It's wonderful to see you! Thanks for dropping in and I hope to see more of you in the days ahead! Blessings, Sweet Friend! <3

  2. Glad some of the rain found you as well! It rained pretty much all day on Monday up here. The news said that we're now only 1 inch below normal for the month but it was different for the year, still in drought conditions, I think. As much as I love my sunny weather, I'm hoping for some rainy November days. Hope you are having a great week so far!

    1. Yes, I'm thankful for the rain, too. It rained all day Monday and some Tuesday, but we desperately need more. I, too, am hoping for some rainy November days. Hope you've had a great week and that the weekend ahead is simply wonderful! Blessings, my friend!


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