
Monday, October 17, 2022

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - October 17, 2022

Good morning! It's a brand new week and, here we are, half way through the month of October already! Can you believe it? How was your week and weekend?

My week here was good...busy...worked a lot of extra hours. 

Thursday's doctor appointment went well. My TSH level is still not where it should be, so I expect her to up the dosage. I hope to hear from her today.

Got together with family Thursday night to celebrate son-in-law, Patrick's, birthday around a bonfire. The evening started off pretty windy, but, by dark, the wind died down and it turned out to be a beautifully cool and lovely autumn evening. 

Friday I got a surprise visit at work from friends, Pat and Jackie, from back home. Well, it was sort of a surprise. They were planning on coming down another day, but changed their minds, called, and came right on down. We had lunch together, then I gave them the grand tour of the park. I think they truly enjoyed it! (And I know that I did!)

Saturday I had a group of Girl Scouts show up at the park requesting an impromptu program to help fulfil the requirements for their "Art in the Outdoors" badge. We ended up doing a class on nature weaving.

It was fun and I think the girls really enjoyed it! I know I did! 

Now it's time to take a look at the week ahead. Here goes...

This week's master to-do list...

- clean house ✓
- do laundry 
- go to the bank 
- celebrate grandson, T.J.'s, birthday 
- matte and prepare photos for sale 
- get iris bulbs and mums planted (may be too late for this one...need to check) 
- continue weatherizing (it's supposed to be 24 degrees tonight...colder tomorrow night!) 
- work 
- assist with the bison vet checks at work 
- get together with family and friends 
- take a day trip with a friend to the Amish and Mennonite stores north of us 

This week's menu plan...

Last week's idea of NOT formally making out a week-long menu plan worked well. I didn't fill the freezer full of extra leftovers and the Guatemalen red beans and rice stretched throughout the week. I've enjoyed leftovers for breakfast a few times and breakfasts for that has come some much needed out-of-the-box food freedom. 

Foods in the house that need used up this week include carrots, onions, celery, and potatoes. I have several packages of oven-roasted turkey in the freezer, so will probably turn it all into a pot of soup. I have frozen biscuits and rolls in the freezer to go with it. Leftover rice will most likely be stuffed into a green pepper or two. Apples, oranges, yogurt, and oatmeal will be eaten as breakfasts and snacks.

Well, that's it for this week. You have a nice day and a great week ahead and I'll talk with you again soon.

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like you had a great week/weekend. Can you believe how cold it's supposed to get tonight? I already broke down and bumped the heat on for a bit today. Thanks for the reminder about the spring bulbs, think it's safe to do that until the ground freezes, just don't want to plant them too early (learned that one the hard way). Your informal menu plan sounds wonderful. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I turned the heat on when we got that first cold snap, too, Jean, and it sure felt good! Thanks for the info concerning the bulbs. I held off a bit and Tony helped me plant them over the weekend when temperatures were back up into the 80's. Hot/cold/hot/cold! Welcome to Missouri! LOL!


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