
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Latest Updates On My Dh

I know that some of you are awaiting updates on my dh. Here are my latest updates on Facebook...

John and I

Monday's post (March 29, 2021)...

"...They did the gallbladder scan today and it was clear, so no surgery! Praise the Lord! They had planned on doing the endoscopy today, too, but, due to a conflict in scheduling, it has been put off until tomorrow. They are planning on doing it around 11:00 and, once again, we are praying for a good report.

As a result of the massive amounts of IV fluids they've pushed, John has a lot of swelling. The doctor has ordered lasix to help pull it off.

This has been a wild and incredible few days with many emotions and lots of twists and turns. But, believe it or not, the doctor said she anticipates that John will be home within 24 to 48 hours. We give all the glory to our great and mighty God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think!..."

Today's post in full (March 31, 2021)...

"It's 8:20 a.m. and all is quiet. Things have been in such a whirlwind that I didn't even get a chance to post an update on John last night, so I will do so now. Again, I hardly know where to start.

John still has a lot of swelling due to the massive amounts of fluids that have been pumped into his body over the past few days to, not only, hydrate, but to keep his bp and heart rate normal. Both were very low at times, but stabilized completely by Monday morning.

Two additional abdominal scans were Monday night; the other yesterday make sure that they didn't miss anything. Nothing was found.

The endoscopy was completed yesterday morning. They looked at the stomach and pancreas. When the procedure was over, the doctor who did it came in to talk to Amber and I and brought pictures. He said that John had a couple of non-bleeding ulcers, which was no bid deal, and that there had been a teeny tiny cyst in the pancreas, which they removed. He said he sent it to pathology (results within three days), but that it was not cancerous. He said he didn't know what it was, but that it should not have been there and that none of this made sense...that the numbers and initial tests didn't match with anything they were finding. He seemed a bit perplexed, but confident that everything was good. John could go home...provided that the other doctor agreed.

The other doctor agreed. She went over the final report with us and ordered up meds to be taken at iron pill, a good multi-vitamin, probiotics, something to coat the stomach before eating due to the ulcers, and a water pill to pull the rest of that water off. Next thing we knew...we were on our way home!

Amber knew of course because she was will us at the time, but we wanted to surprise the other kids. Two of the kids called to check in while we were driving, so of course, I told them what was happening; the rest of them found out upon (or shortly after) our arrival. Tears of joy and celebration!!!

What a great and mighty thing the Lord has done! We can't explain it. THE DOCTORS can't explain it!!! But it's all documented and it's all true.

Even at that, though, John's body has been through a lot and will need time to heal and recover. He's still got a lot of water on him and that's got to come off and he needs a lot of good nutrition and to stay hydrated. He's got an appointment with our primary care doctor tomorrow and a follow-up with the gastroenterologist in April.

Throughout this experience I think our family has experienced every emotion known to man from one extreme to the other and more. We've witnessed a mighty move of God and miraculous intervention on every front as He has begun a work that will carry us through these dark and troubled times. What a testimony!

It is now 11:20 and I have still not got this post out. One of the gals at the hospital just called...I forget her title, but she is the one who calls after release to go over discharge instructions, medications, and follow-up appointments. Anyway, she was all abuzz! She rejoiced in being a witness to this "modern day miracle" (her words) and spoke of the goodness of the Lord.

People, it's real! God is real! And He loves each and every one of us soooo incredibly much! If you don't know Him is your time! Put aside your fears and doubts and just reach out to Him. Ask Him to forgive your sins and make Himself real to you! He will do it! Now is your moment! Time is super short so don't delay! We love you all!"

Monday, March 29, 2021

Master List and Menu Plan Monday - March 29, 2021

Greetings! It's the last Monday of March! 🌷 Can you believe that a quarter of 2021 has already slipped away? Wow! 😲

Being that we're in the midst of Holy Week and Passover, normally, our family would be counting down, and celebrating, the days leading up to Resurrection Sunday. Unfortunately, my husband is in the hospital and we've been on one of the wildest rollercoaster rides over the past few days that we've ever experienced. 

To save time, I will post here what I posted on my Facebook page Saturday evening. I said...

"John has been having issues for weeks now. He was hospitalized in late January/early February with low sodium, low potassium, dehydration, and COVID-19. Since then, he's been to the doctor twice and had an ultrasound of the upper abdomen. His liver enzymes went from being elevated to off the charts and he's had a terrible time with eating and gastrointestinal issues. Everything culminated yesterday morning with a trip to the emergency room at Barton County Hospital.
After a CAT scan and several hours of waiting we were told that John's gallbladder was enlarged, that there was a possibility of something going on with the pancreas, and that there was liquid in his belly that might be blood. He was then transferred to Mercy in Joplin via ambulance.
After running home to shower, change clothes, and grab a few things to take along with me, I arrived at the hospital in Joplin not too long after John got there. Upon entering the building a notification went off on my phone. It was a message on my MY MERCY app saying that John had been admitted to Mercy due to a mass in his pancreas. WHAT??? I saw it, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to wait until the doctor arrived.

When the doctor came in, he wanted to know what we had been told at Barton County. I told him and he said no...that he and the doctor at Barton County had had an hour and a half tele-conference concerning the mass that was in my husband's pancreas. The test...a CAT scan (without contrast because John has had a bad reaction following one WITH contrast before)...revealed a mass in the head of the pancreas that was blocking, and had crimped, the tube that is shared by the gallbladder and pancreas, cutting off the flow of the bile and sugar created by each. He told us that the mass could be cancer and that he had ordered up a couple of blood tests to check the cancer markers.

After further testing was done a different doctor came in to visit with us. She told us that the cancer markers were extremely high (should have been under 30; his were at 2,680) and that it looked like John was in the advanced stages of pancreatic cancer and that his life expectancy was extremely short.

In disbelief I said, "Wait! What are we talking about here?"

As gently as she possibly could, the doctor floored us by announcing that, in all likelihood, John only had two to four months to live. She told me that things were going to get very different very quickly and that they would be quite difficult, but that she was in it with us for the long haul.

Today they did another CAT scan...this one from the neck to the pelvis. Doctor wanted to see if there was anything else hiding out somewhere. The test didn't take long and results were expected before lunch. I'm glad that our oldest son and daughter-in-law were here to witness what happened next.

The test results were not delivered before lunch time, but a gal came in to draw blood. She said that she was doing a timed test. She was taking blood now and again in four hours.

Around 1:00 or so the doctor came in and brought two copies of the CAT scan report. One was for us to keep. She read through the results one by one in order. When she read the results concerning the pancreas we were floored...again. It was like...wait! What are you saying...again!

She said, "THERE IS NO MASS!!! And the numbers are going down, down, down!"

WHAT??? What happened? She said she could not explain it. What they were seeing today did not match what they saw yesterday and the numbers were dropping. There was no mass and the tube that had been crimped off was no longer crimped...nor blocked. She showed us the numbers and said, " are the numbers from February (near normal) are the numbers from last Tuesday at the doctor's office (elevated) are the numbers from yesterday (off the charts!) and here are the numbers from today (drastically reduced)." She said, "Something significant happened between yesterday and today and I cannot explain it. I'm not even going to try." She also said that she had never had this happen before.

Folks, you can call us crazy if you want, but I'm telling you...the Lord heard and answered the many prayers that have gone up on John's behalf. John does NOT have cancer! There was a mass there yesterday and it is not there today...and it is documented!!! If anyone wants to see the proof all of the test results, records, numbers, and documentation are in our My Mercy app and we'd be more than happy to let anyone that wants to go through them see them.

That's one reason that I was so glad the kids were here. They witnessed all of this first hand. I even told the doctor to tell them what she told us the day before and she did.

I'm telling you people...we serve a mighty God and He is still in the miracle business! Your prayers have been heard. God CAN and DOES answer prayer!

Now...John is still having some issues and is still in need of prayer, but we are in a so much better place tonight than we were last night! Praise God and thank you so much for praying! Keep them coming..."

That was Saturday night's report. Here was Sunday's...

"Just got home from the hospital. They bent the rules last night and let me stay, but not tonight. I had to leave by 6:00. I feel fortunate to be able to be there at all and am thankful that they're not only allowing me to be there, but they've totally bent the rules and have allowed our children and their spouses to come in in shifts, as well. Amazing!

John had a rough day yesterday and throughout the night. They've had quite a time keeping his blood pressure and heart rate up. They practically had to stand him on his head several times yesterday and he's on so many different medications right now that I can't even keep track. It's been determined that the low bp and heart rate is due to the Benadryl that was administered to counteract the dye that he had to take in order to have the CAT scan with contrast. That all seems to be straightening out now and seems to be stabilizing.

On the other hand, John has terrible bloating and a lot of swelling. He just messaged and asked that everyone keep praying. He is flat-out miserable and, at times, is in quite a bit of pain.

Tomorrow morning they do the endoscopy to take a closer look at that pancreas and they're doing a test on the gallbladder. If it comes back abnormal they will remove it.

The good news is that the numbers that were elevated and shouldn't have been keep dropping and the numbers that were too low and should have been higher continue to rise. Cancer of any kind has been ruled out completely. Praise the Lord!

Please pray over these tests tomorrow...that they will reveal the source of all this bloating and other issues that John has going on. Pray, too, for wisdom and direction over the doctors and other members of the medical team involved...that they will get clear answers and come up with a good plan..." we's Monday morning. They just took John down for the gallbladder scan and I am sitting in his hospital room...waiting...and using this time to write to you. The photo above is of a free printable that I printed off for decoration and the jonquil that I picked and brought to him Saturday. The "vase" in which it sits is the container from which John drank the contrast dye before going to the CAT scan. The endoscopy (and a possible biopsy) will take place a little later in the day today. We are believing for a good report concerning all.

As for my master list this consists of taking one day at a time, spending time with John and our family, praising God for His incredible goodness to us, and focusing, as much and as often is possible, on our risen Saviour (the Lord Jesus Christ) and all that He really did for us when He laid down His life for us on the cross. Do you know Him? If not...message me and I'll be happy to introduce you to Him.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

My menu plan for the week is to eat whatever whenever wherever as the week progresses.

I pray that, wherever you are, that you and yours are having a nice day and that you enjoy a beautiful, glorious, and wonderful week ahead! Happy Easter/Resurrection Sunday! ♱

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Master To Do List and Menu Plan Monday - March 22, 2021

Greetings, Dear One! Happy First Monday of Spring! 🌷


How was your week and weekend?

Our week and weekend here were good. I worked on Monday. Our youngest daughter and her family arrived Tuesday evening for our annual gatherin' o' the clan on the 17th. Since they weren't going to be able to make it over on Wednesday, our next-to-the-youngest son and his family came over to visit Tuesday evening, as well.

St. Patty's Day Flowers

By noon on Wednesday most of the clan had gathered for our traditional feast of corned beef and cabbage with baked potatoes and Emerald Isle Cake. Most of the clan stayed and visited through supper. John and I were tired by the time everyone left, but we greatly enjoyed getting together with everyone...especially after having to cancel it last year due to COVID! 🍀

 The Littlest Leprechaun at This Year's Gatherin' O' the Clan

Thursday and Friday were spent working around the place and running errands. Then, I worked again on Saturday. It was a beautiful first day of spring!

A Trout Lily
Blooming at Prairie State Park on the First Day of Spring

Now, it's time to get ready for the week ahead! Let's get right on into this week's post, shall we? Then...I'm heading to work!

This week's master to-do list...

- work
- clean house
- do laundry
- walk
- do an inventory of fresh food, freezer, and fridge (menu plan accordingly)
- doctor appointment (dh)
- grocery shop
- mix up some hummingbird food and get the feeders out (first hummers have already been spotted in Missouri)
- finalize Easter plans and shop for it
- go through clothes in closet (trade out winter for summer)
- bake bread
- host a WLMO movie night (I Am Patrick)
- celebrate Palm Sunday

White-Tailed Deer

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Chicken ala king over rice with leftover brussel sprouts
Tuesday - Breakfast for supper
Wednesday - Vegetable beef soup with salad and Sue Gregg's Good Earth Rolls
Thursday - Middle Eastern lentil soup with cornbread and veggies with curry dip
Friday - Chicken fajitas and salad
Saturday - Dh's night to cook (chef's choice or leftovers)
Sunday - Leftovers

Well, Ladies, that's it for now! Have a great day and enjoy this beautiful first full-week of spring!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Spring Bucket List 2021

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22).

It's a chilly morning, for sure, but, praise the Lord, winter is officially over and spring has arrived! Normally, I'm content in any season, but this past winter has been particularly long and quite difficult. Personally, I'm glad that it's over! 🌷 

Here are a few things that I hope to accomplish this season and some of the things that I look forward to seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and experiencing, as well...

1. Write my spring bucket list. 📜
2. Plan my spring menus (these will be posted each Monday in my weekly Master List and Menu Plan Monday posts) 📇
3. Observe a bright and beautiful full spring moon 🌕
4. Get back to doing programs at work 🐞🐾🐢

(Due to the COVID pandemic and the closing of the nature center, the last program that I presented was a year ago this month. The nature center reopens April 1st and I am working on spring and summer program ideas now.)  

5. Enjoy a Russell Stover's maple cream egg with my oldest daughter on her birthday (it's tradition!) 
6. Pick a bouquet of pretty yellow daffodils 💛
7. Dye eggs 
8. Make a traditional Pana di Pasqua (Italian Braided Easter Bread - It's been many years since I've done this and, since I don't remember what recipe I used to use, I've got a couple of new ones that I'm considering.) 
9. Host an egg hunt for the grandlittles
10. Celebrate Resurrection Sunday (church and lunch with family and friends afterwards) ♱
11. Listen to spring peepers 🐸
12. See a prairie chicken 
13. Plant a vegetable garden 🌱
14. Celebrate spring birthdays with the grandlittles 🎂
15. Attend KCM's Branson Virtual Victory Campaign (April 8th through the 10th) 💻
16. Observe Indian paintbrush blooming on the prairie
17. Eat fresh asparagus 
18. Celebrate May Day with a basket of fresh flowers 💐
19. See a brand new baby bison 🧡
20. Include fresh dandelion greens in our spring salads 🥗
21. Celebrate Mother's Day by sharing flowers with the ladies at church, my daughters, and daughters-in-law 🌸
22. Eat fresh strawberries 🍓
23. Honor my husband with something special on Father's Day and wish our sons and sons-in-law a Happy Father's Day, as well 👴
24. Observe a birds nest with eggs in it (and hopefully observe the babies until they fly away) 🐦
25. Put up a new hummingbird feeder 
26. Take a walk in the rain ☔
27. Spend a few days at the lake with dh for a belated anniversary getaway 💑
28. Smell lilacs 💜
29. Start a 2021 nature journal and record at least three new things in it 🌵🐝🐍
30. Spend a couple of days with our youngest daughter and her family 👪
31. Visit a state park that I've never been to before
32. Hike a new trail 🥾
33. Create and complete a spring cleaning list 📜
34. Put up a new clothesline 👚👖👕
35. Get on a serious walking schedule 👟
36. Lose 20 pounds ⚖
37. Schedule eye exams for dh and myself (get new glasses) 👀
38. Lay tile in kitchen, hallway, and bathroom ▩ 
39. Shampoo carpets (has been on my list for a while now) 
40. Reroof the house (at least check into the costs of doing so and coming up with a plan) 🏡

How about you? Are you as happy to see the arrival of spring as I am? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 🌷

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Friday, March 19, 2021

Winter Bucket List 2021 Update

The Creek @ Prairie State Park in Winter

Between political upheaval, COVID-19, inclement weather, and record cold temperatures that plunged our nation into the deep-freeze, Winter 2021 turned out to be a hard one for many and, personally, I'm glad it's over! I've never looked forward to spring more than I have this year!

We didn't get to do a lot of the things on the list this year and, even those that we did do, we didn't do justice to or do them as we normally would, but I will update as best I can as follows...

Things that were accomplished will be crossed through like this and any notes that I want to add will be found in parenthesis and in bold type (like this).

My Winter Bucket List 2021

1. Write my winter bucket list
2. Plan my winter menus (this will be done weekly through my  'Master List and Menu Plan Monday' posts) 
Celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends 🎄

4. Ring in the New Year with family and friends 🎉
6. Celebrate winter birthdays with the grandlittles 🎂
7. Go stargazing (don't forget the warm blanket and hot tea!) 🌠
8. Celebrate Valentine's Day 💘

9. Go out of town or do something special to celebrate John and I's 33rd wedding anniversary 💞

(Due to the fact that we were both still recovering from COVID and he had just gotten out of the hospital, we didn't do a whole lot. Each of our children did something to make it special though and we did go out to breakfast one morning on a gift certificate that we received, but we still hope to make that out of town trip sometime soon.)

10. Hang a new bird feeder 🐦
11. Invite family and friends for soup and bread 🥣🥖
12. Drink hot cocoa ☕
13. Have a movie marathon 🎥
14. Play in the snow ⛄

I couldn't resist slipping out in my robe and clogs
to see just out deep it was at that point!  

This was the deepest snow we've seen since moving to 
Southwest Missouri nearly a quarter of a century ago.

15. Make peanut butter pinecones for the birds. 🥜
16. Work a jigsaw puzzle 🧩

(I've worked several puzzles over the winter, but this is the latest one and one of my favorites.)

17. Catch a snowflake on my tongue ❆
18. Spend a night in a cozy cabin 
19. Throw a snowball ⛄
20. Make chili 🥣
21. Watch and photograph winter birds at the feeders 🐦

22. Drink hot tea ☕
23. Cut out paper snowflakes ❅
24. View a frosty-backed bison 🐂
25. Host a winter pizza party (February 9th is National Pizza Day) 🍕
26. Start a nature writing project 🐾
27. Enjoy a full moon on a snowy night 🌕
28. Host a coloring contest for the grandlittles ✎
29. Make snow ice cream 🍨
30. Follow a favorite musher or two in the 2021 Iditarod 🐺
31. Take a winter hike 🥾

32. Break icicles off the edge of the roof 🧊

33. Plan the 2021 vegetable garden (order seeds early!) 🌱
34. Shampoo carpets 
35. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with family and friends 🍀

St. Patrick's Day 2021

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, March 15, 2021

Master To Do List and Menu Plan Monday - March 15, 2021

Greetings, Dear One! It's Monday morning and full steam ahead we go! 💗

How was your week and weekend? Our week here was good and somewhat productive. 

I worked Monday and Saturday. On Saturday I got word that the nature center reopens April 1st and that programs will resume on a limited basis soon! Woo-hoo! It will be so nice to finally be in contact with visitors to our park on a regular basis again. 😊

In addition to the usual list of things on my to-do list last week, I got a few extra things done. I got a new spice rack put up in the kitchen and a new shelf unit put together and up to serve as a pantry area in the hallway. I also got the Van Gogh room organized enough to fit the rollaway in there for company this week.

Midweek we went grocery shopping for St. Patty's Day. Our youngest daughter and her family will be here tomorrow evening and the rest of the clan will join us on Wednesday to celebrate the wearin' o' the green. It will be good to get together after skipping it completely last year. 🍀

Well, time is running short this morning and I've got a couple of errands to run on the way to work this morning, so I better be getting on with it. Here's a look at my master to-do list and menu plan for the week...

This week's master to-do list...

- work
- clean house 🏡
- do laundry 👚
- wash bedding 🛏
- set an eye appointment 👀
- go to the bank 💲
- host overnight company 👨👩👧
- pick up a fresh bouquet of flowers at the local flower shop 💐
- bake a couple of cakes 🎂
- celebrate St. Patrick's Day with family and friends 🍀
- dig out my program box and start thinking about upcoming program ideas for work 🐞
- celebrate the first day of spring 🌷

Spring Beauties

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, oven-roasted carrots 🐂
Tuesday - Oven-roasted chicken, baked sweet potatoes, and a tossed salad 🐔 
Wednesday - Corned beef and cabbage, baked potatoes, and Emerald Isle Cake 🐂
Thursday - Turkey burgers and oven fries 🦃
Friday - Broiled salmon, potato salad, and peas 🐟
Saturday - Dh's night to cook (chef's choice or leftovers) 🍝
Sunday - Leftovers ❓

That's it for this week! Have a great week ahead and a Happy St. Patty's Day! 🍀

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Friday, March 12, 2021

Dull and Gray

It's a cool rainy day here in southwest Missouri, but the promise of a soon-to-arrive spring can be felt on the clean soft breeze. Tiny yellow daffodils, with their bright and sunny faces, dance happily on the front lawn, but the dull gray of the sky reflects the dull gray of my soul. 

I met up with my oldest daughter yesterday and we went through pictures, reread old letters, talked about good times spent with her dad, ate crepes (he was notorious...around here anyway...for the beautiful crepes that he would create), and drank hot tea. It was a week to the day of his passing. Sadly, he was in Canada and we are here, so there was really nothing else to do but what we did. As hard as it is, we must choose to believe that it is enough.


Sadly, my daughter's dad died on his 61st birthday from an accidental overdose. Drug addiction is a terrible thing and it causes a lot of heartache and pain, not only for the one that is addicted, but to those that love them, as well.

In thinking about all of this and trying to digest it, I realize that, no matter who we are or what we're doing, in the big scope of things, time is short for all of us. My advice is to everyone is, get your affairs in order...not only in this world, but, even more importantly, in the one to come.

Many choose not to believe it, but heaven and hell are real. It is what you choose to do with Jesus in this life that will determine your eternal destiny. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and, whether people choose to believe it or not, He is the only way to the Father. Do you know Him? If not, don't put it off.

If you find that you just can't quite believe, then seek! Challenge the Lord! Ask Him to make Himself real to you. I guarantee you that He will do it! Stop being afraid. Let yourself go and step out in faith. And, if you want someone to pray with you or to talk with you more about this, feel free to email me at

Don't delay! Sometimes death comes suddenly and without warning. Don't be caught in the enemy's crosshairs should it come to you today.

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Master List and Menu Plan Monday - March 1, 2021

Praise Report