Rebecca's Hearth and Home...a place where one woman shares all that is nearest and dearest to her heart...her home, her family, life on the tallgrass prairie, and her love for her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Prayer and Praise
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
National Chocolate Cake Day
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 25, 2021
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 18, 2021
Monday, January 25, 2021
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 25, 2021
Greetings, Dear One! Happy Monday! 💗
How was your week and weekend?
They're not much to look at now, but, at one time, this old house was someone's brand new home.
Was it a house that some proud, young farmer built for his beautiful new bride? Or perhaps it was an older man fulfilling a long-ago promise to a wife that had patiently made do all those many years while he was busy running the farm and making a living. Perhaps it was built for comfort in their old age.
Whatever the case, these old structures have a story and oh! How I wish they could talk!
Okay...enough rambling! Time is slipping away and I need to get on with this week's post!
Monday, January 18, 2021
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 18, 2021
Greetings Dear One! 💗
I hope you had a nice week and weekend and that this week is off to a great start! Happy Monday!
Our week and weekend here were good...pretty quiet, actually, with nothing pressing going on.
I worked on Monday and Saturday; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday were spent working on projects around the house and running errands. On Thursday our oldest daughter-in-law and I met for breakfast at the local café.
While there she gave me these...
A lovely set of hand-embroidered pillowcases for our bedroom...a belated Christmas gift...and we will cherish them.'s about time to head to work, so I better get on with today's post. Won't you join me?
This week's master to-do list...
Friday, January 15, 2021
Women's Ministry
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 11, 2021
Monday, January 11, 2021
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 11, 2021
Greetings, Dear One! 💗
I didn't get a chance to work ahead on this post and don't have a lot of time this morning to chat, so I am going to share a few photos from this week and get right on into this week's post before heading on out for the day.
Blessings for a great week ahead! 💗
This week's master to-do list...
- complete my weekly "home blessing"
- do laundry 👚
Friday, January 8, 2021
Feeling Like You're Surrounded By The Servants of Darkness?
When you feel surrounded by the servants of darkness, remember the story of Elisha and his servant...
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Encouragement in Times of Trouble
Greetings, Dear Ones,
I just posted this on Facebook earlier and, with the way that they are manipulating and pulling stuff down, I decided to repost it here on my blog for safe-keeping. Hopefully, it will be of encouragement to others out there. is long and rambling.

Monday, January 4, 2021
Master List and Menu Plan Monday - January 4, 2021
Greetings, Dear One! 💗
Happy first Monday of a brand new year!!! 📅 I trust that 2021 is off to a great start for you and yours. What did you do to ring in the New Year? 🎉🎆🎊
John and I watched a New Year's Eve church service online until it went off at 11:00, then, we switched over to a news channel that was counting down to midnight across the country. At midnight we blew our party horns, shot off a couple party poppers, and toasted the New Year with a couple of glasses of grape juice. We hung it up a little after 1:00 a.m. and went to bed. 😴
A little before 4:00 a.m. the electricity went off. We were in the middle of an ice storm! Fortunately, we were only without power for about 40 minutes, but, one of our children and their family was out for several hours.
On New Year's Day we stayed in and enjoyed the beauty of the frozen world, watched the birds in a feeding frenzy at the feeders, and enjoyed eating the traditional black-eyed peas and cornbread.
I didn't know it until later, but my husband took photos and videos of my antics through the picture window on the east side of the nature center.
I ended up walking a good part of the quarter-mile loop as I attempted to photograph a norther harrier hawk that was sitting out the storm in the top of a small shrub. He flew away when I got too close. ❆
On the way home we witnessed some lovely these...
Our son came out and took this photo of a few of the bison with his drone...
Saturday night we had supper at our daughter and sil's and wished grandson, Silas, a Happy 13th Birthday. 🎂 By the time we headed home steps and roadways were very slick, but by Sunday afternoon the sun was shining, temperatures were back up in the 40's, and the ice and snow had all but melted away. In fact, here are a couple of pictures of our town and the surrounding area that our son took Sunday afternoon...
I guess that's more than enough about the weather. Besides, it's nearly time to head to work. I'm going to go ahead and get on with this post and YOU have a great day!
This week's master to-do list...
Friday, January 1, 2021
I came across this cute little 'Happy New Year' snowman on Facebook and decided to share him with all of you here!
Happy New Year, Everyone! I pray that 2021 proves to be a year of great blessing for all!
Until next time...
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