
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday 4 - Odds and Ends

It's Tuesday and it's time for Tuesday 4! Here are Annie's questions for Week 8 of 2020...

1.  You're having a lovely dinner party for friends and family.  What will you serve for appetizers, main course, and dessert?

Probably the norm...pasta (spaghetti, lasagna, or tortellini), sauce, and homemade French bread. Depending on the season, holiday, or event dessert could be anything from fresh fruit to cake or homemade cannoli.

Candlelight Christmas Eve Lasagna
 2. Snow storm! You've got house guests and you're all stuck inside for the night. What do you prepare for dinner.  Will you  watch a movie? Which?

Been there done that before! A big pot of spaghetti with sauce and homemade bread. No movie. Games...most likely Apples To Apples or Wildcraft! The grandchildren love these two! 

Apples to Apples Card Game, Bible Edition   -
Apples to Apples Bible Edition
Image result for wildcraft game
3. We are going into New York City for the weekend. Where do you want to go?

To see the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty.

Image result for brooklyn bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge

Image result for statue of liberty
The Statue of Liberty

4. You are going to night school. They offer courses in writing short stories, painting, piano or guitar lessons, simple home repairs, baking, and gardening.

Which do you pick (or make up one of your own) and why?

I love art and would greatly enjoy taking a course in painting. This would be my #1 choice. A little further down the road I would enjoy taking a course in baking and maybe even one in gardening just to strengthen my skills and learn some new techniques. 

The Van Gogh Room
(a.k.a. My Office)
Hallah Bread
Zucchini By The Wheelbarrow Full
That's it for this week!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 24, 2020


  1. That Italian bred looks delicious! We used to play Apples to Apples. Fun game

  2. The challah looks delicious! I love it the next day as French toast too.
    The statue of Liberty is very inspiring to see especially from the boat as you first see her.

  3. ohhhhhhhh seriously, that is your room/office?? I love it!!!! How cheerful it is, smiles.

    I really enjoyed this meme this week and wondering how fun it would be to meet up with fellow bloggers. smiles.

  4. Good menu for a snowy night and my family would play games too.

  5. My youngest love Apples to Apples!


  6. Your dinner sounds delicious and yes please I will take some cannoli. Enjoyed reading your answers along the photos.


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