Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday - January 20, 2020

Greetings, Dear Ones!

I hope your week and weekend were good and that your week is off to a great start! Happy Monday! 💗

Photo Credit
Things are going well here. We were without hot water for a total of 22 days, but the hot water tank arrived on Tuesday and was installed on Thursday. We are so thankful! It was a lesson in patience for sure, and hot water is not something that we will take for granted any time soon! 

The yarn that I was waiting for arrived on Tuesday and I completed the last row of the 2019 Temperature Afghan on Thursday. I started adding fringe to the sides and will continue to work on that as I get time. The afghan is not very wide, but it's long. It works nicely as a warm cover-up when I'm in my recliner.

2019 Temperature Afghan
Each of the 365 rows represents the high temperature for each day of 2019. The color chart that I used is one that I found online.There were only three days of rose (22 degrees or below) and not a single day of cranberry (99 degrees or above), both of which are very unsual for southwest Missouri. 

Enough about last week. Let's take a look at the week ahead, shall we?
Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a
Stay At Home Mom
 and all the other lovely ladies that gather
there on this week's 
Happy Homemaker Monday! 💗
The weather...

Cold! 19 degrees with a windchill of 14 at the moment, but warming up to near freezing this afternoon. The rest of the week doesn't look too bad.

How I am feeling this morning...

... anxious to get going. I've got a lot to do today and, thus far, I'm not making much progress.

On my mind...

... praying over prayer requests that have come in this morning, planning the week ahead, making a grocery list, and getting ready to head to town.

On the breakfast plate...

Eggs, toast, and hot tea

On my reading pile...

... I finished Healing Wellness by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, but am still reading Greater Health God's Way by Stormie Omartian. I am also reading The Great North American Prairie: A Literary Field Guide (Stories From Where We Live) by Sara St. Antione (Editor).

Greater Health God's Way: 7 Steps to Inner and Outer Beauty  -     By: Stormie Omartian
Greater Health God's Way by Stormie Omartian
The Great North American Prairie: A Literary Field Guide
(Stories From Where We Live)

by Sara St. Antione (Editor)
On my tv computer...

... Sarah, Plain and Tall, Skylark, and Winter's End with Christopher Walken and Glenn Close

Image result for sarah plain and tall movie"
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Image result for skylark with glenn close"
Image result for sarah plain and tall winter's end"
Winter's End
On the menu this week...

Monday - Leftovers that we didn't get to over the weekend
Tuesday - Chicken ranch salad
Wednesday - Supper at dd and sil's
Thursday - Turkey Italian sausage with roasted potatoes and fried cabbage
Friday - Broiled salmon, mashed sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli 
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

From the camera...

Saturday Night Date Night
Dh fixed tortellini, sauce, and salad; I had
made French bread earlier in the week.
Looking around the house...

... It looks good (as good as 'good' gets around here anyway). I did my weekly 'home blessing' and laundry yesterday afternoon, so today could be free to go shopping and run errands. I do need to straighten the living room a bit and get the Van Gogh room ready for company a little later in the week, but that can wait until tomorrow.

Chore I'm not looking forward to today or this week...

... this category is really hard for me. I can't think of anything.

To relax this week, I will...

... read, drink tea, take a walk, enjoy a visit with our youngest daughter.

On my prayer list...

- President Trump, Vice-President Pence, and all elected officials and their families in every city, state, and county
- For a spiritual awakening in America and beyond
- Friends, family members, and others who are fighting battles on every front; may God's perfect will be done in every circumstance and may His peace settle over Jesus' name.

Devotional/Bible verse...

Image result for philippians 4:7 kjv"

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a lovely, productive, and great week ahead!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Tuesday 4: Wayfaring

Happy Homemaker Monday - January 13, 2020


  1. Your afghan is beautiful, I wish I had that kind of skill with yarn...actually, any skill with yarn.
    Hurray for hot water! We were without it once for two days, and I remember being super upset...22 days, you are a trooper!!
    Have a beautiful day!

  2. Your date night meal looks delicious! Hope you get all your shopping and errands run today and enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. I love your TV choices, and your date night dinner looks amazing. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Glad you finally got hot water and that you could finish your afghan - it is beautiful.
    Have a great week

  5. The date night dinner menu looks amazing! Loved the idea of praying for spiritual awakening in our country and others. Will add that phrase to my prayer list.

  6. I love the colors in the afghan. Your date night dinner looks great. You can't go wrong with pasta.

  7. Helloooo!! 😊
    Wow - you are so right about patience. No hot water for that long had to be very "unfun" Lol God bless you folks!
    Love how your afghan has turned out - such beautiful colors. I didn't realize there were more movies after Sarah plain and tall. That was the only one I ever seen. Good to know! 😉
    I hope your weekend ahead is blessed Rebecca. ❤️

    1. Thanks, Carrie! And, yes! Look them up (they're all on Youtube). Both of the sequals are as good as (or better) than the first one! Blessings! <3

  8. I AM RUNNING SO LATE IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR NEXT WEEK! I hope yo had a GREAT week and your temperature afghan is beautiful! I absolutely adored that series of movies. Thank goodness you have hot water again!

    1. No worries, Tamy. Thanks for stopping in! Blessings, Sweet Lady! <3


I value your readership and love reading your comments! Please leave one today so that I know you were here! Have a wonderful day and God bless you!