
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday 4 Meme - Art Imagination

Greetings, Dear Friends! 

I'm joining Toni over at Tuesday 4 Meme! Here are this week's questions...

Art Imagination

1.   If you could paint a landscape what would it be?

Of the beautiful tallgrass prairies of southwest Missouri where I live and work.

Image may contain: plant, flower, cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

2.   If you could paint a portrait of who would it be?

Chief Red Cloud of the Oglala Lakota Sioux...

Image result for chief red cloud
Chief Red Cloud
Photo Credit
or of Vincent Van Gogh...

Image result for vincent van gogh
Vincent Van Gogh
3.   If you could paint a geometrical form what would it be?

A star made out of cubes

4.   If you could paint any object what would it be?

Wildflowers (chicory, thistle, or sunflowers)

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor
Native Thistle
Until next time...

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  1. Your prairie would be a beautiful landscape!! Great answers!! Have a great Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Jodi! Hope your week is going well. Blessings, my friend! <3

  2. Wow! Rebecca enjoyed your answers and loved that you put photos with them. Have a lovely day my friend.

    1. Thanks, Toni! Hope you're week is going well! Blessings! <3

  3. great answers!! Mine were very simple. You really put some thought into yours!
    Have a great day.

    1. Thanks, Ann! There's nothing wrong with simple at all! Hope you're having a great week! Blessings! :)

  4. Beautiful! I know that landscape well living in Missouri myself. Loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Lori, and 'hello' to a fellow Missourian! Hope you're having a great week! Blessings! :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Debby! Hope you're having a great week! Blessings! :)


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