
Monday, August 26, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - August 26, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ladies! HAPPY MONDAY! 💗 

How was your week and weekend? Ours here was good!

I've got to be out of here shortly, so this is going to be a sweetened, condensed version this week. 😆

Libby and I had a great visit on Tuesday and the "In A Grasshopper's World" library program was a huge success on Wednesday. I worked Thursday and Friday and, on Saturday, I did a complete food inventory and cleaned out the fridge, freezer, and deep freeze. It was a major undertaking, but, one that was well worth it! Now I know what I have on hand again and will menu plan accordingly. I will share more on this at a later date. Saturday evening we had supper with our next-to-the-youngest son and his family and, after church on Sunday, I worked in the afternoon. 

Our Daughter-in-Law Set A Lovely Table
I'm going to get right on into this week's post, so here goes! Won't you join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that gather there on this week's Happy Homemaker Monday? 💗

Right now I am...

... finishing up breakfast and enjoying a cup a tea while I work on this post.

On the breakfast plate...

... a chocolate chip oat-bran muffin, Triple 0 vanilla yogurt, and hot tea

The weather...

... right now it's 74 degrees and sunny, but severe storms are expected this afternoon.

... On my reading pile...

Am reading On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Your Promise of Protection - The Power of the 91st Psalm by Gloria Copeland

On the menu this week...

Monday - Corn chowder and grilled cheese sandwiches 🌽
Tuesday - Turkey Itailian sausage stuffed banana peppers over sauteed zucchini 🦃
Wednesday - Roasted chicken breasts, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli 🐓
Thursday - Turkey Tetrazzini and oven roasted green beans 🦃
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli 🐟
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - HHM post, plan the week ahead, go grocery shopping with my cousin and for a friend
- Tuesday - Home blessing, laundry, make food ahead and freeze for the family reunion, bake muffins and bread
- Wednesday - Youngest daughter in for a visit 💗 Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! 💗
- Thursday - Youngest daughter in for a visit 💗 Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! 💗
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Attend the Brown/Murry family reunion

In the craft basket...

... just keeping up with the temperature afghan. 

Temperature Afghan

Looking forward to this week...

... visiting with our youngest daughter and attending the family reunion

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

... more reruns of the The Waltons

Image result for the waltons
The Waltons
From the camera...

I have a story for you. I was on my way to the library Wednesday morning and was held up at the train crossing on Hill Street. I love trains and was watching this one go by like I've done countless trains before. I reached in my purse, grabbed my phone, fumbled to bring up my camera settings, opened my car door, and snapped a quick pic of the moving train. In Casey's parking lot a few minutes later, I opened my photos to see how my photo turned out and was shocked to discover THIS!!! What are the chances of this happening??? 😲

Scripture passage...

Image result for kjv calls us by name

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! And I'll see you again next week! 💗

Until Next Time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Tuesday 4 Meme - More About You Continued

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  1. We're getting another thunderstorm right now (not severe though). Such a fun picture! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Well, Jean, as you can see, I'm running over a week behind in answering comments. Sorry about that! We got storms the same day you did, but it wasn't bad. Actually, it was rather pleasant! Am sitting here waiting for fall to arrive! LOL! Blessings, my friend! :)

  2. Rebecca.. your name in graphiti is a good as in lights... You are famous across the nation, probably Great answers and have a blessed week!!!

    1. Ahahahahahaha! I suppose you're right, Schotzy, about my name being in graffiti as good as being in least when it was that freak of a thing! It was pretty strange and I definitely felt that there was a message in me specifically. I'm just not sure what it was! LOL! Sorry I'm so late in answering this. Blessings, sweet friend! :)

  3. that train shot!!!! (goosebumps) I'd like some salmon and sweet potatoes please! Happy week

    1. I know, Leeanna! It was so strange! As for salmon and sweet potatoes...come on over anytime! Sorry I'm so late in responding to this. It's been busy, busy, busy around here! Blessings! :)

  4. Enjoy your visit with your daughter! Your menu looks yummy! How cool is that train pic!! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Jodi! I'm sorry I'm so late in responding to this. Had a great visit with Amanda and, yes! The train pic was definitely cool! Still don't know what it all means, but it was definitely cool! Blessings, my friend! <3

  5. Now that's a good job done - freezer and fridge inventories! Great pic of the train. Hope you have a great week

    1. Thanks, Lucie! Sorry I'm so late in responding to this. Blessings for a great rest of the week! :)

  6. Hi Rebecca!
    Have a wonderful visit! Love the colors in that part of your afghan.So pretty. And the train story is just awesome! The graffiti person did a great job too. Lol Have a blessed week ahead 🙏

  7. Thanks, Carrie! Sorry I'm so late in responding to this and, yes, you're right! The graffiti person did do a great job! LOL! Blessings! <3


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