Monday, April 29, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - April 29, 2019

Good morning, Sweet Friends! Happy Monday! 💗 

Can you believe that this is the LAST Monday in April??? Where is the new year disappearing to??? 😲

I trust that you and yours had a good week last week. Ours was busy, but good!

Monday, of course, was spent at home taking care of stuff around here. 

Tuesday I led a group of local homeschoolers on a hike at Walter Woods Conservation Area near Joplin and we had a ball! Afterwards, we visited All Aboard Ice Cream and Joplin's 'Grand Falls'. The weather was so nice that the children were able to wade and play in Shoal Creek. What a treat! 

Grand Falls - Joplin, Missouri
The Children (and Adults) Enjoyed Wading and Playing in Shoal Creek
Wednesday I took a friend and my cousin grocery shopping.

Thursday John had his consultation appointment with the eye surgeon. He is scheduled for cataract removal on the left eye on May 28th, but the right eye is so bad that they want him to see a cornea specialist before they even consider doing anything with it. They said there is a lot of damage to it, but we're not sure from what. Continued prayers on his behalf would be greatly appreciated! 

I worked full days Friday and Saturday and a half a day on Sunday. I will go in for a few hours today, as I have a school group coming in this afternoon and will be doing a special program for them.

Enough about last week! Let's get right on into this week's post! Shall we? And, please, join me as, I link up with Sandra of Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that make up the Happy Homemaker Monday crew. You'll be glad you did! 💗

Today I am joining Sandra and the other ladies over at
Diary of a Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.
Please be sure to go over and check it out! 💗
Right now I am...

... finishing up breakfast and enjoying a cup of hot tea while I work on this post. 

Am thinking...

... about the day, week, and month ahead. Between school groups at the park, spring training, and John's upcoming eye surgery, May promises to be the busiest month of 2019. I'm already looking forward to June! 🌹

On the breakfast plate...

...  French toast with sugar-free syrup and hot tea

The weather...

... It was raining when I got up, but the rain has tapered off and it's a cool 61 degrees and cloudy at the moment. 

On my reading pile...

The Great Buffalo Hunt by Wayne Gard, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Mother Culture by Karen Andreola.

Online this week...

No time for anything this week other than a couple episodes of The Rifleman.

The Rifleman Starring Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford

On the menu this week...

Monday - Homemade pizza
Tuesday - Fish sandwiches and oven fries
Wednesday - Oven roasted chicken, brown rice, and steamed broccoli
Thursday - Roast beef and oven roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions with brown gravy
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli
Saturday - dh's night to cook ❓ (last week he made butter and garlic pasta, frozen peas, and garlic bread...and it was delicious!) 💓
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to-do' list...

Monday - HHM post, plan the week ahead, home blessing, laundry, work (school group in the afternoon)
Tuesday - eye appointment, schedule my Lilla Rose Launch Style- Up (official kick-off)
Wednesday - Work (school group in the afternoon), figure May budget 
Thursday - Work around the house and rest as much as possible
Friday - Bank, pay bills, work
Saturday - Attend my cousin's 'Celebration of Life' (she passed away in February)
Sunday - Church

My Cousin, Teresa, and I and One of her Little Granddaughters
I miss this sweet lady so much! 😥

In the craft basket...

Temperatures have remained fairly steady this week, so, again, not a lot of color changes. 

Temperature Afghan Through April 28

Something interesting that I watched this week...

Hummingbird Sipping Nectar At The New Feeder
From the camera...

Morning Glory Seed and Plants Bought At Nursery
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful New Year, and I'll see you next week! Blessings!

Until next time,

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

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  1. the hummingbird picture is so good.
    I'm sorry you lost your cousin... you two look alike. LeeAnna

  2. Hope John's specialist appointment goes well and he can get that eye done quickly also to put this all behind you before summer really kicks in. Your weather sounds wonderful - still too cool to do any creek wading here!

    That Hummmingbird photo is amazing! They are so hard to capture in still motion.

    So sorry to hear about your cousin, I hope it is a beautiful celebration.

    1. Thanks, Threesides! Right now he's having a really rough time, but, yes, I hope they can get it done and pray that his eyesight is completely restored. Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  3. Here's hoping that they can fix your husband's eyes, it is what is important right now.
    wow, wading in the water, must be much hotter where you are. still snow around here up where my son lives and flooding at lots of places around here (not us!).
    Hope you have a great week

    1. Thanks, Lucy! And, yes! Amen! And, yes, last Tuesday was PERFECT!!! The children had so much fun wading and playing in the water and so did I! LOL! Next time I need to take water shoes though because these feet don't do rocks too easily anymore! :D Have a great week! <3

  4. I left an earlier comment, did it go thru?
    the link to my sketching workshop is

    1. Yes, it did, LeeAnna. Thank you! I will check it out as soon as I get home this afternoon. Thank you!!! <3

  5. I am loving your new blog dressing! Those lilacs are gorgeous!!!! Also, Im with you praying that all that is done in secret of a vile nature in our governemnt will be brought to light and exposed!

    1. Thanks, Schotzy! Those lilacs are gorgeous and I'm sure going to miss them once they've run their course. Wish they'd bloom all summer long! <3 And, yes, amen! I'm that all that is done in secret on EVERY front is brought to light and exposed...period! Have a terrific Monday and a great week ahead! <3

  6. I love the photo of the hummingbird! Can't wait til they decide to come visit my blue flowers (which I still have to buy, LOL!). I like your flower picks. Hope you have a wonderful week and get a chance to relax here and there!

    1. Thanks, Jean! You better get those blue flowers bought and in the ground, girl, if you want the hummingbirds to visit them! ROTFL!!! :D You have a wonderful week, too, and I will try to carve out time to relax as I can. Thanks for the reminder! <3

  7. Oh my goodness, you could frame that photo of the hummingbird at the feeder! What a great capture! I'll be praying for your husband and his eye surgery! It is pretty amazing how the body heals - my dad had eye surgery in January and it healed much faster than we expected!

    1. Thanks, Carol! And thanks for the encouragement concerning my husband's eye surgery. Glad to hear that your dad's went well! Blessings over all! <3

  8. Love the purple flowers on top of your blog! Keeping your hubs in my prayers... I have one that is having eyes issues as well.... The afghan is looking so cool!! Have a beautiful Monday night!!

    1. Thanks, Jodi! Appreciate the prayers and will be lifting your husband up in our prayers here. Blessings for a beautiful Monday night and a great week ahead! <3

  9. I really enjoyed stopping by! The pictures from your homeschool field trip are amazing! It makes me miss homeschooling! My girls are grown and bit graduated! I miss the days we spent schooling! I will be prayonf for your husbands eyes! I pray you have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thanks, Shellie! Yes, I miss homeschooling, too! I homeschooled my six for twenty-six years; now I have 16 grandchildren that are being homeschooled and I'm able to keep my foot in the door through them and my job. I love it! But I do miss homeschooling my own full time. Thanks for the prayers and blessings for a wonderful week! <3

  10. Hi dear Rebecca!

    Continued prayers for John's eyes. Keep us posted ;)

    And I love all the Spring images. Hummingbirds are my absolute favorite! And seed packets just make me smile. Waiting for Spring to hit here full force.

    Looks like it was fun field trip and love the pic with you and your cousin. ((hugs)) 🤗 ❤️

    Blessings on the rest of your week xoxo

    1. Appreciate the prayers, Carrie, and, yes, will do! And, thanks! I love spring and all that it holds (except tornadoes!!!) and enjoy sharing the images. Am praying that spring unfolds in full force in your area NOW! LOL! Have a blessed rest of the week and thanks for stopping in! <3


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