
Friday, January 25, 2019

Winter 2019 Bucket List

A Snow-Capped Bird's Nest At Prairie State Park
Taken January 15, 2018
Autumn is over, it's late January, winter solstice occurred over a month ago, and I'm just now getting around to sharing the list of things that I'd like experience and accomplish over the winter season. Some of them have already happened and I know that, in reality, I probably won't get to all of the things on the list, but just having it will help me to focus on what's left of the season. Won't you join me?

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22).

My Winter Bucket List 2019

1. Write my winter bucket list
2. Plan my winter menus (this will be done weekly through my  'Happy Homemaker Monday' posts)
3. Celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends
4. Ring in the New Year with family and friends
5. Celebrate winter birthdays with the grandlittles
6. Watch lunar eclipse on January 20th
7. Invite family and friends for soup and bread
8. Celebrate Valentine's Day 
9. Celebrate John and I's 31st wedding anniversary
10. Hang a new bird feeder
11. Deep-clean the kitchen
12. Drink hot cocoa
13. Plan 2019's vegetable garden
14. Play in the snow
15. Watch 'Little House on the Prairie' - Seasons 1 through 9
16. Read Pioneer Girl - The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder
17. Plan and complete winter programs at work -

      A) Animals in Winter (library)
      B) Let it Snow (library)
      C) Meet the Mustelids (homeschool)

18. Take a CPR class through work
19. Finish a set of black bear cloth napkins
20. Make chili
21. Watch the winter birds at the feeders
22. Drink hot tea
23. View frosty-breathed bison with snow-covered backs
24. Take a winter hike
25. Enjoy a full moon on a snowy night
26. Start a book project that I've got in mind
27. Make snow ice cream
28. Break icicles off the edge of the roof
29. Shampoo carpets
30. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with family and friends

That's what's on my winter bucket list. What's on yours? 

Until next time...

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