Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday - August 27, 2018

Good morning, Sweet Ladies! Happy Monday! 💗 

Can you believe that it's the last Monday of August already and that September is upon us? Not that I'm complaining, you understand, because I'm not. Autumn is my time to thrive, but, for goodness sake! Where has summer 2018 gone? 😲 (Not that autumn is here yet, by any means! But, still, it is forthcoming and very soon! To be honest...I CAN'T WAIT!!!) 😊

I've got a lot going on here this morning, so I'm going to get right on this post. I wish you all a beautiful Monday and a great week ahead!

Today I'm joining Sandra and the other lovely ladies for Happy Homemaker Monday over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and
all of the wonderful ladies of 
Happy Homemaker Monday!
Right now I am...

... eating breakfast, enjoying my morning cup of tea, doing laundry, and dealing with plumbing issues. 

Am thinking...

... about the week ahead and making out my to-do list.

On the breakfast plate...
... sauteed zucchini topped with a sprinkling of shredded cheddar and fried eggs

The weather...

Unfortunately, the heat has returned with a vengeance. It's been in the mid-90's for a few days now and the 10-day forecast promises more of the same (upper 80's to mid-90's all the way through) So...for, but not nearly so dry. We've gotten several really nice rains here lately, for which we are extremely thankful, but chances ahead in the 10-day are slim to none.

On my reading pile...

In addition to daily scripture reading, I am still reading The Name of Jesus by Kenneth E. Hagin and Discover Nature at Sundown by Elizabeth P. Lawlor.

On the menu this week...

Monday -sauteed zucchini with sauce, meatballs, and homemade bread 
Tuesday - butter and garlic pasta with steamed broccoli
Wednesday - Guatemalan Red Beans and Rice
Thursday - turkey dogs and saukraut
Friday - breakfast for supper (turkey bacon, eggs, buckwheat pancakes)
Saturday - salmon patties, potatoes au gratin, green beans
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, do my weekly "home blessing", do laundry, deep clean the hallway (this includes finally breaking down and cleaning the area where my dad kept his household tools and stuff...this will be hard and I'm not sure that I'm ready to do this yet...we shall see)
- Tuesday - Take a friend and family member grocery shopping
- Wednesday - Work on the blog, deep clean the kitchen
- Thursday - Check another thing or two off the summer bucket list

-Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Attend the Brown/Murry family reunion

(Note: Last Thursday's program at Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site - Order No. 11 - 155 Years Ago was cancelled due to rain and will be rescheduled at some point in future.)

In the craft basket...

Am still working on paper beads and will be doing so throughout the month of September at every available opportunity. In fact, we're opening our home up to anyone locally who is willing to come help make beads every Tuesday evening in September. If you are local, read this, and are interested, get a hold of me! 😊

Am working on paper beads for a table about Native
American trade beads at Prairie Jubilee this year.
The beads will be put into kits that
children can turn into a necklace.
Looking forward to this week...

Getting some more deep-cleaning done and visiting with family.

Something interesting I watched...

River Monsters! I'm hooked! 😆 Get it??? River Monsters? 😃 Hooked? 😆 No?😰 Okay...never mind. 😕 Seriously though...our oldest daughter turned us to River Monsters (it's on our Amazon Prime) and we are SERIOUSLY hooked! Absolutely LOVE watching it! 💗

From the camera...

In my little corner of the world, sometimes
things can be pretty black and white!
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! And I'll see you next week! 
Be sure to visit our 30 Days of Summer blog series. To find out more check out this post on Jean's site and this one on mine. Jean and I hope you'll join us in our summertime adventure! 🌞


  1. I am not happy about the 90-degree stickiness going on here today. C'mon fall! Your paper beads are just beautiful! Have a great time visiting with family!



    1. I hear you, Sherry! I will be so glad when cooler weather comes along and decides to stay. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  2. If I were a bit "more" local, I'd come make beads with you :) Can't wait to see what you're going to cross off your summer bucket list. Sorry I sort of dropped the ball on our series last week. Never dreamed I'd be so swamped with work when we started this. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Ahhh! That would be so nice, Jean! Too bad we're not just a tad bit closer together! I can't wait to see what I cross off, too! :D And don't you worry about it. I been busy, too, and haven't done much with it, either. Either way, it won't be long before summer is over and we're wrapping it up. It's been a great experience...that's for sure! Have a great week ahead, my friend! Blessings! <3

  3. I like River Monsters too! Beautiful picture as usual

    1. Thanks, Lu! Yes, River Monsters is EXCITING! I'm not much of a fish person at all, but I LOVE that show! LOL! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  4. Summer has gone so fast for me, but it was slightly stressful, okay really stressful. I will be grateful for fall but will miss summer.

    1. Awww! I'm sorry that summer was stressful for you, but am sure that fall will be better. Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  5. I'm with you on wanting FALL to be here!!! I love every season except summer!!

    I've always wanted to try paper beading - looks like you're having fun with it!! Wish I was local!

    Have a GREAT week.

    1. Me, too, Tamy! We'd have a ball! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  6. Ahhh! Your pun about River Monsters made me laugh! Love it. Those paper beads are so pretty, and they look like a lot of fun to make! Enjoy a wonderful week!

    1. LOL! Glad to know that somebody laughed! Thanks, Carol! :D The paper beads are pretty and, yes, they're fun to make, too! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  7. I’m with you, Rebecca,
    I can hardly wait for cooler days and autumn color.. man, I wish you hard work dedication to “Deep clean” would fall on me.. if I do shallow cleaning I’m happy.. I’m so spoiled, hubs is much more into the deep cleaning and I say go for, sweetheart.. like vacuuming. My allergies go haywire.. that’s my story and I’m sticking with it! Have a blessed week!

    1. Ahhahaha, Schotzy! Good one! :D Problem with me...I deep clean (my style of deep cleaning anyway), then in a few days I forget that I did it and start feeling like it's not really done. There's something seriously wrong with me! LOL! :D I did get to those shelves. Dad's been gone for almost two years and a half years now and we've lived in the house for almost two years and I was finally able to disassemble his shelves in the hallway that held his tools and stuff. I threw one bag of stuff out, took a box of stuff to the garage, organized what was left on the very bottom shelves, and, now, all of my favorite books are housed on those shelves where I can actually get to them. It feels good to have that done! Have a great week ahead and many blessings to you! <3

  8. Sorry I am just making my way around! It has been such a busy week and it just began! I love your paper beads they are beautiful! I too love river monsters it's quite interesting! I hope you stay cool and have a blessed week!

    1. Not a problem, Shellie! Thanks for stopping in! Hope you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! <3


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