
Thursday, October 5, 2017

31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Autumn Rains, Cool Weather Clothes, and Scented Candles

Here in southwest Missouri the autumn rains have started and, with them, has come a change in the feel of the air. 

While it's still been quite warm on most days, there's been a coolness riding on the breeze that, up until now, has not been there. It's that kind of coolness that lets you know that warm sweaters, fuzzy pants, solid shoes, bonfires, apple cider, and s'mores are all on the way in the not too distant future, and I am soooo looking forward to all of them!

I went through our closet on Tuesday and packed up most of our summer things. In turn, I pulled out the fall and winter ones. I delighted to see fuzzy, fleece pants, fleece and flannel shirts, and warm winter nightgowns. (I so prefer fall and winter to summer any day!) 

As I went through our cool weather clothes I couldn't help but look forward to cool, crisp nights and long winter evenings. There are certain things that I like to do to make them even cozier and more special than they already are. Burning scented candles is one of them. I purchased Farm Apple Pumpkin and Pumpkin Spice when I was in town on Wednesday.

For me, these things are just a few of the joys of autumn...especially burning the scented candles! I think at the moment the Farm Apple Pumpkin is my favorite. Just out of curiosity...what's yours? 

Until next time...


Recent and related posts that you might enjoy...

Day 4 - 31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Spider Webs

Day 3 - 31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Aw, Nuts! And Mums The Word

Day 2 - 31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Walnuts and Pecans


  1. I'm pretty sure I've got a candle with that same fragrance. I like just about anything cinnamony. I like apple spice and pumpkin spice flavors, too. If it smells like you could eat it, I probably like it!

    It's definitely one of the joys. I need to have someone lug the out of season clothes bin up while I can still do the work.

    Be blessed,

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Laura. I greatly appreciate your taking the time to do so. It makes me happy! <3 Like you, I love any of the cinnamony, apple-spice, and pumpkin-spice candle scents. Did you get your out-of-season clothes bin up yet?

  2. I love lavender fragrant scented candles

    1. Ahhh, yes! In the springtime lavender and lilac-scented candles are my scents of choice! Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is much appreciated! <3


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