
Monday, March 25, 2013

Scripture Challenge - Matthew 21:1-11; Matthew 26 and 27

Let's spend some time this week reflecting on just what transpired the last few days of Jesus' life. As we know...Jesus was in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast (which by the way Passover begins at sundown tonight). He arrived in Jerusalem and was welcomed as a king! As Christians we commemorate this event by celebrating Palm Sunday (which was commemorated yesterday) and this event occurred one week prior to Jesus' resurrection. So...a LOT happened during that last week of Jesus' doubt!

Today's challenge is to read the following:

Let's go to Matthew 21 and read verses 1 through 11. This is what's known as "The Triumphal Entry" into Jerusalem.

In chapters 21:12 through 25:46 Jesus does a lot of teaching. You can read these chapters if you want to, but the main points that I want you to see today are the contrast between the people on Palm Suday and their reaction to Jesus a little later in the week, and that how that, in just a matter of days, they turn from a welcoming committee into a murderous mob. During these few days of teaching Jesus made a lot of people very angry. If we really examine Jesus' teachings we find that they are not what a lot of people try to make them into. He wasn't exactly all love, joy, peace, and anything goes...there are many ways to Heaven...let's have a free-for-all...that's for sure! Jesus' teaching STILL makes people angry and that's why true Christians still come under a lot of persecution for their faith. The way of the cross is NOT for the weak-kneed and faint-hearted! You've got to be tough to withstand all that the enemy throws at you when you truly take a stand for Christ!

Next read Matthew 26 and 27.

(Whether you choose to read Matthew 21:12 through 25:46 is up to you...but for this study I'd like for you to read and concentrate on Matthew 21:1 through 11 and Matthew 26 and 27.)

After reading these passages of scripture I want you to think about each person written about and what they must have been going through and thinking. What anguish our Lord must have suffered! Imagine...knowing that Judas would be the one. After living with Jesus and being taught by Him...side by side...for 3 years...then, because of greed...betray Him for a lousy 30 pieces of silver!

And Peter! Oh! Peter! How many of us, like Peter, when the chips are down and everything seems to be going wrong...don't have the guts to stand up and defend our position in Christ?

Think about these things this week and feel free to share any thoughts you might have. Above all...have a beautiful and blessed Resurrection Sunday as we focus on the Saviour!

Love and Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post!!! Thanks so much for re joining but I really messed things up and need you to do it one more time:)

    Hi friends,

    OK I have been in a blogger nightmare the last few days. My .com was high jacked and I have been trying to work out all the kinks so
    Google friends connect and feeds will still work. I think I did it!!!!

    Even if you already re subscribed once IT IS NOT WORKING. I had to adjust some sight settings and you need to do it again.

    Anyway I want to ask once more time that you would visit my new URL and resubscribe through which ever reader you uses.

    This is the instructions to resubscribe through Google friends Connect

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    Go to Google friends connect and sigh in,
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    last re-follow the blog

    I am so sorry for the hassle. I love the relationships we have built through the internet let keep them going!
    Thank you so much for your support and understanding!


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