
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving - DayTwenty-eight - My Family (Again)

Today I am so very thankful for my family (again)! I have THE best children and most beautiful grandchildren in the world! (Okay...I'm biased! But what mother/grandmother isn't?) Seriously, when the older children were growing up we got laughed at a lot because we had so many children. People thought we were crazy, and, often times, people compared us to 'The Walton's' (and, now, watching reruns of 'The Walton's'...especially the early ones...I can see why! And that's great! What a compliment!) Anyway...I just want to say that I love each and every one of my children, their spouses, and my grandchildren more than any of them could ever know. Each and every one is a unique blessing that makes our family just that...OUR family! ♥

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca.
    Family makes for a wonderful blessing!!! You are truly blessed with your Family.

    God bless,


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