Monday, July 22, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 22, 2024 (The Late Edition)

It's late Monday evening and I'm just now getting a chance to sit down and post. I won't spend a lot of time writing, but will caption photos taken to give you a glimpse into this past week. 

Visited the Boston Mountains in NW Arkansas twice this week when
riding down with Amber to take the kids toand from Youth Summit.

While at Fort Rock, and after years of being afraid of
them, I finally made friends with a horse! In fact, I
was completely surrounded by them and had absolutely
no fear at all. It was a marvelous experience!

Summer Sky Over Tallgrass Prairie

Buckeye Butterfly

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Take clothes and other donation items to thrift store and drop-off location
- Wash van and check fluids
- Shop for groceries
- Attend a Jubilee planning meeting at work
- Work

Got to spend a little time with my great-grandson, Cooper, when
his grandma (my daughter-in-law, Angie) brought
him to the local library where I was there presenting a program.
Those eyes melt my heart every time!

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Breakfast for supper
Tuesday - Turkey burger and baked potato
Wednesday - Green pepper casserole (freezer), green beans, and corn-on-the-cob
Thursday - THM's Eggroll in a Bowl (one of my favorites!)
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Brown rice pasta, sauce, and meatballs
Sunday - Leftovers

Morning Glories Blooming in My Garden

That's all for tonight! Have a great week ahead! 

Until next time...

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