Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Things - June 27, 2024

I'm in the midst of another whirlwind week with lots going on, but I wanted to take a few mintues to catch up and say hello!

I've been working like crazy to get my Zazzle store up and running and have ordered several items to have on-hand to sell outright. I have hundreds of photos saved to make into product, but it's just going to take time. I'm working on a 2025 calendar right now.

My friend, Jenny, has a pop-up community market and she has graciously allowed me to put some of my things in her shop. I will be adding more things as time goes on, but I am certainly grateful for this opportunity to get some stuff out there to the local public close to home.

I discovered a good stand of white crownbeard growing in my backyard last night. A co-worker had given me a couple of plants back in 2017 and they produced frost flowers that fall, but, by the following year, they were gone. 

Last year I noticed two very tiny, spindly-looking plants growing in another part of my yard where there had never been any before. I was surprised last night to find about a dozen-and-a-half tall, strong, and robust plants growing in that same area. I will have frost flowers in abundance in my backyard for sure this year!

Some people call white crownbeard "wing stem" because of the little winged appendages that grow along the stem. 

Other people refer to white crownbeard as "frost plants" because of the beautiful, frosty creations that form at the base of the plants when temperatures plummet.

To learn more about frost flowers click HERE

Granddaughters, Esther and Hannah, both celebrated birthdays this week 

Esther's birthday was Tuesday; Hannah's was yesterday.

I enjoyed celebrating with both!

Well, the day is getting away from me and I have much to do, so I will go for now, but I hope to see you again soon!

Until next time...

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